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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

Epigenetics and Virus

Latest World Health Organization data show that the Ebola virus have take away the lives of 887 people in 4 African countries, the cumulative number of reported cases has reached to more than 1600.

Gout Symptoms Foot

Find out If You Have Gout Symptoms Foot pain - Watch Our Videos - Stop Gout Symptoms Foot Pain Fast Without Medication or Drugs - Big Toe Throbbing Swelling Burning - To Find out Exactly ...

Do You Have A Urinary Tract Yeast Infection?

Although a urinary tract yeast infection is less common than other forms, it is possible to have a candida infection within your urinary tract. How can you tell? The symptoms seem very much like a sexually transmitted disease.

What Natural Product Is Good For Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis, caused due to the attacking of body's own immune system is a common health disorder found in people. Causes contributing for rheumatoid arthritis vary from one person to another. Some of the common ...

Mesothelioma Treatment: Radiation or Radiotherapy

Mesotheliomic patients are often told of the short survival duration of 6 – 12 months. But doctors specialized in treating malignant Mesothelioma at leading cancer centers expect better survival rates

Panic Away - A Great Way to Eliminate Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are a dreaded disease that is characterized by extreme fear that is triggered by a variety of external factors. These episodes come at no warning at all, and its intensity can vary at ...

Pre Diabetes Symptoms: Early Diagnosis is The Key

Pre diabetes symptoms would be an early sign of developing type 2 diabetic. If you experience any of the symptoms such as: vision became blurred especially at night, frequent urination, intense hunger and feeling excessive ...

How to Read Rapid HIV Test Results

A rapid antibody HIV test, also called a point-of-care HIV test, can produce results in as little as 20 minutes. These tests are usually used as part of multi-test programs or in tandem with an exhaustive assessment of the patient's risk factors. They help to determine whether or not a person has be

Fever, the First Symptom of a Cold or Flu

It's good to know that fever is not treated with antibiotics. To decline, to reach normally, it must to be treated the cause, cold or flu. Besides fever, also appear other inconveniences as muscle and ...

Potassium & Menopause Night Sweats

During menopause, many women experience frequent spikes in body temperature--known as "hot flashes" or "night sweats"--which can deplete essential minerals in the body.

Find the Vital Information Pertaining Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is actually not an acceptable issue for discussion when you're eating. What may be amazing is there are many millions who develop this ugly fungal infection. If you ever develop any type of ...

Forms of Swimmers Itch

No matter how beautiful, lakes and oceans can harbor the parasite that causes swimmer's itch.boy on beach lake michigan great lake image by Paul Retherford from Fotolia.comSwimmer's itch, technically known as "cercarial dermatitis," is not contagious nor is it usually severe. In coastal...

Tips On Getting Headache Medicine

There are many different options available for headache relief that include headache medicine and other options for those that frequently suffer from headaches. Choosing the best treatment for your headache can be optimized by understanding ...

About Alzheimer's & Parkinson's

Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease are both degenerative neural disorders. This means that their root causes are in the brain and, over time, the symptoms progress as the brain deteriorates. Recently, studies have indicated that these two diseases may have a common cause. This exciting disc

Symptoms of a Brain Tumor to Watch Out For

Symptoms of a brain tumor can be quite similar to those of other diseases. Experiencing these symptoms is certainly no cause for alarm, though it's best to have them checked by a doctor. The symptoms ...