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Beauty & Style : Health & Medical

Accessories Which Make a Bathroom Comfortable

Today the bathroom developed into a luxurious room, where we spend much time in. We not just clean our body, but we also enjoy wellness and relaxation in there. It was not always like that. The development of the modern bathroom started no more then a century ago. Before that the human had no real b

How to Do Bohemian Hairstyles

The word bohemian brings to mind an image of a carefree artist, perhaps painting in an airy studio or drinking a fizzy water with friends in a crowded pub. Bohemian hairstyles reflect this spirit; they aren't perfect coifs requiring lots of hairspray and jeweled hairpins. Instead, they celebrate sim

How to Sharpen Thinning Shears

Thinning shears are a necessity in hair salons. They are used to thin the hair without altering the initial style desired by the customer. A pair of thinning shears is easily recognizable, as it may look like an ordinary pair of scissors, but instead has a metal comb-like blade, which performs a thi

How to Be a Certified Lace Front Weave Technician

When first venturing into this field, you must have some background knowledge in braiding, the hair industry, and hair maintenance. Although, for some courses you do not need to be a licensed beautician, most professional course require you to either be a licensed stylist or business owner. The st

How to Tie Your Shoe Using the First Three Holes

Whether you're stuck with short shoelaces or if you simply want to try out a new look, there's a way to tie your shoes using only the first three holes. It's not much different than the method most people use for tying shoes. But it can change the way your shoes look and allow you to slip them on an

How to Give a Guy a Makeover

Men are not always born with the same fashion gene that women get. The well-dressed men you see on the streets and on television are often gay, have professional help or are models. Give your average guy a makeover, and turn him from lovably sloppy to runway ready.

Do Hair Straightener Brands Matter

When you think about certain types of hair care products do you first think of the name of the company that sells them?

How to Clean White Heads

When excess oil and dead skin plug your pores, closed comedones, or white heads, will form. White heads are classified as a form of mild to moderately severe acne, depending on how many are present on your body, according to Women's While your dermatologist may prescribe over-the-counter

Caring For Curly Hair

Don't leave your wonderful natural curls on their own. Give them the proper care and use the right hair supplies to maintain your beautiful curly hair.

A Makeup Artists Guide for Concealer

everything you need to know about concealer and how to use it, read my makeup artists tips for finding the perfect concealer for you!

JuvedermHow Cosmetic Dermatology Can Help You Look Younger?

Looking younger and energetic is sign of a healthy and pleasant life. People from ages try different ways to have younger looks for example wearing trendy and colorful clothes, make-up, taking good diet and exercise. All these efforts are made to have younger appearance. Usually people start showing

Video: How to Wear Makeup at 40 to Look 20

Video Transcript Hi. This is Christina Farrell, from, and today's question is how to wear makeup at 40 to look 20. Well, if you're looking for that youthful, young glow, the trick is a lovely peach blush, which brightens up the face, a little bit of highlighter on...

How Much Does Permanent Hair Removal Cost?

Unwanted body hair is an extremely annoying personal grooming issue. It is tenacious, grows back quickly and is nearly impossible to remove permanently. Over the past few years, there have been many technological advances in hair removal, but unfortunately, this technology doesn't come cheap.

How to Fix a Hair Cowlick

A cowlick is an unruly section of hair that will not lay flat no matter which way you comb your hair. Cowlicks are formed when a spiral pattern of hair grows in an area, resulting in hair that either stands straight up or angles to one side. Taming an unruly cowlick can often be a frustrating experi