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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

FDA Reports Progress in Breast Cancer Care, Screenings

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration marked October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month by highlighting a number of advancements that have been made in recent years in both the detection of and treatment for breast cancer. ...

Genetic Testing - An Effective Test for Diagnosing Colon Cancers

Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) and family adenomatous polyposis (FAP) are among the most common hereditary colon cancer syndromes. Doctors diagnose these two ailments on the basis of the results of the patient's physical exams ...

Blocking Stress Responses May Be Key to Better Cancer Surgery

Although surgery aims to help cancer patients extend their lives, it causes considerable chaos in the immune systems of these patients. The release of stress hormones often makes the situation worse by allowing tumors to spread. Fortunately, researchers at Tel Aviv University are developing a new cl

Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Can targeted therapies trump conventional chemotherapeutic approaches and improve outcomes for patients with this B-cell lymphoma?


NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used to relieve inflammation and pain in various conditions, including ovarian cancer.

Calcium and Cancer - How Does Calcium Cure Cancer

Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1932. for his his discovery that cancer was anaerobic. This means that cancer occurs in the absence of oxygen. Acids (pH under 7.0) tend to expel oxygen

New Targeted Therapies in Melanoma

Get updates on the latest developments in signal transduction inhibitors and in immune modulators for the treatment of melanoma.

Mesothelioma Treatment - What You Should Know

The cases of mesothelioma have been increasing each year. This is a cause of concern for everyone because as of this time, the disease like most cancers, is not curable.

Cut Fat, Lose Weight and Prevent Cancer

There's now yet another compelling reason to lose weight and cut consumption of unhealthy Omega-6 fats from vegetable sources. Research released from the Institute of Food Technologists indicates that as many as 1 in 3 cancer deaths could be prevented by reducing consumption of corn and vegetab

Your Rights and Mesothelioma

When you're at work, you shouldn't have to worry about whether your job is hurting you or not. You should be focused on getting your work done, collecting your paycheck, and providing for your family. So when your life is turned upside down by a diagnosis of mesothelioma, you can feel scar

Calcium May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk

Calcium seems to protect high-risk people from developing the polyps that can lead to colorectal cancer -- and the benefits appear to last long after calcium supplementation ends.

Drug Combo May Fight Prostate Cancer

A drug cocktail that starves tumors of their blood supply shows promise for the treatment of men with advanced prostate cancer.