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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Brain Tumours and Their Complementary Treatments

What It IsBrain tumours are slightly different from other forms of cancer in that there are over 100 types of different tumour. Some of these are malign, whilst some of them can be malignant.Like all

Esophageal Cancer

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of esophageal cancer, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Simple Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Cancer

In the western world the pace of daily life is severely impacting our food choices. We are busy, stressed and often do not get enough time to exercise or prepare healthy food. In addition many people work in front of a computer all day and do not get enough sunlight. Making the correct lifestyle dec

Robin Roberts: A Profile in Courage

"Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts reflects on 10 heroes in her life who helped her through her health struggles and shaped the woman she is today.

Do You Have a Third Nipple? Here’s What It Means

Having a third nipple or even a fourth nipple is fairly common. Extra nipples get started before you're born, but are often mistaken for moles or freckles. Third nipples are the subject of myth, legend, and at least one famous movie. Learn more about third nipples here.

Dealing With Loss of Appetite

While a loss of appetite is common during treatment for blood cancers such as leukemia or lymphoma, it can have serious consequences. Here are few tips on how to keep up your nutrition during cancer treatment.

Treating and Spotting Cat Cancer

Cancer is a disease that we all associate with loss and that carries with it very serious omens. The 'big C' however does not just affect humans and can also affect animals, including cats. Cat cancer

What Symptoms Should You Watch Out for in Detecting Prostate Cancer?

How do you know if you are at risk for prostate cancer? Is there a way for you to diagnose it yourself, by noting if prostate cancer symptoms appear? The truth is, prostate cancer is a disease that is still little understood, and nobody really knows what causes it. It is also a disease that rarely p

How to Prevent HPV

A look into how to prevent HPV, the virus known to cause cervical cancer in women. HPV is transmitted through sexual contact and although it can't be completely prevented, there are many things a person can do to reduce their risk.

The Best Causes Of LungCancer

There are plenty of lung cancer causes . This really is the mainThere are plenty of lung cancer causes . This really is the main reason for your illness to become among the leading killers. The one who is struggling from lung most cancers is in a quite high danger of becoming impacted with serious m

Votrient Is Targeted Therapy for Advanced Kidney Cancer

Votrient is an oral supplements introduced to treat and ease the condition of kidney cancer. It contains an active components called pazopanib, which been a generic name for the trade of votrient medicine; both are ...