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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

A Few Alternative Cancer Treatments to Consider

There are over 300 alternative cancer treatments though you will be hard pressed to find someone that knows more then five. Researchers and doctors have been looking for a cure for cancer for years and there are many methods of treatment that have resulted from this research.

Oncologist Definition

Oncology is a sub-field of medical study and treat cancer. Doctors who study oncology are called oncologists. The term comes from the Greek: onkos (ονκος), which means a mass or tumor and the suffix -

Could We Have Found the Cure to Cancer?

Researchers have come up with a new way to figure out the exact medicines a patient needs in order to beat off cancer. Could this be the end of it all?


Breast cancer knows how to be an extremely hazardous disease as the most horrible outcome might lead to the finish of your life. On the other hand, if you take delivery of treatment intended for ...

Mesothelioma: The Basics

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that is usually found in those previously exposed to asbestos.

Radiation Therapy of Prostate Cancer

Radiation therapy is just one of the many treatments for prostate cancer. It utilizes high energy particles or rays to eliminate cancer cells. Some of the times, radiation is used to be an initial shield against low-grade cancer which is still restricted in the prostate gland or which has spread to

Case Study - Cancer & a Healthy Diet

Cancer is the general name for well over 200 different diseases, each with some common traits that can affect virtually every part of the body, including the organs. These common traits are abnormal cell division, the tendency to be invasive and the tendency to spread from one area to another. Cance