Real-World Reasons To Start Blogging For Your Business

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Blogging : Business & Finance

3 Advantages of an Infrequent Blog Posting Schedule

Blog posting is critical to the development of any site and is a huge part of the blog building process. It is a common assumption that the more frequently you post new blog entries the more the traffic you will attract. Read further to see why infrequent posting schedules can actually work BETTER i

Top Technology Blogs Of 2011

There is no way to avoid it, technology has taken a front seat in just about every humans life rather they like it or not. The top technology blogs on the internet give the everyday Joe a way to stay in touch with the newest technology trends and helps them see what is coming next for their favorite

Home Based Business Ideas That Work - 1 Great Idea You Can Start Today

In this article we are going to take a look at a home based business ideas that work.It's amazing how much junk is out there, and as I'm sure you agree, putting your trust in the wrong place is a recipe for disaster if you're not careful.The good news is this:Making money from home is

Four Top Online Business Tips

If you want to have a successful online business you will need to work at it. Here are a few handy tips to help you succeed. This article will give you a few basic pointers to assist in growing your online presence.

Social Networking Blogs

Google the word "blog" today and you'll get somewhere hovering around 2 billion results. Now, without going into elaborate Google indexing theories, that doesn't necessarily mean there are 2 billion active blogs, but does prove the enormous popularity nonetheless.

10 Tips to Add Variety to Your Business Blog With New Types of Content

Ever feel like you have hit writer's block when it comes to blogging? While there are all sorts of things you can write about on your blog, it can be easy to fall into a pattern and lose creativity. Once that happens, you and your readers will start to lose interest. To overcome this common con

Thinking of Making Money? Blogs Are Key

You'd have to be blind and deaf not to have noticed people making money blogs. What do I mean by money blogs? These are blogs that are kept for the sole purpose of generating income. If you're thinking of jumping onto the bandwagon and making money from your blog, there are two ways to do

How to Remove the Blogger Navigation Bar

As a rule I don't generally recommend you use as you don't own your own website and it can be removed at anytime without notice. It would be devastating to have all your hard work removed because someone didn't like your content. I do however recommend having your main bus

Become a Guru in Professional Podcasting

Sorry to all you basement podcasters out there, this is not to be taken as an insult. But, there is a difference between amateur and professional podcasters. Generally, professional podcasters make their livelihood podcasting. They don't scrimp on valuable information in their casts. Profession

4 Ways to Channel Your Inner Corporate Blogger

Many professional writers find the act of writing to be an afterthought, an anticlimax after all the work has been done. The words seem to flow by themselves after thoughts are organized, angles decided, and the tools are in place. Well yippee for them. Most in the corporate realm that have been tas

The Dynamics Of A Podcast

Do you know how to make a podcast? If not, then you should know that making a podcast is as simple as pie. To make a podcast, you will find that you don't need a lot of materials or technical know-how to produce your very first podcast.

Blogging to the Bank - Make Money Online For Free

Do you hate they way that you are being told what to do at your job and how things should be done? Well what if I told you that you are able to tell people the way you think things should be?

Blog Post Excerpts Tips

Blog posts are obviously what your whole blog is all about. You could have the best SEO on the planet, a huge amount of blog traffic arriving every day, but, without good fresh content they'll just head off somewhere else.

Blogging Elements and Tools

The first step to creating a successful blog is to choose the best blogging platform for your needs. A blogging platform is simply the blogging application you choose to use.

How to Move a Blog on Feedburner to a New Domain

So, you have your blog's RSS feed set up to run through FeedBurner but want to move your blog to a new domain. The good news is that you don't have to set up a whole new feed -- you can simply edit your existing feed with the new RSS feed URL. Doing this means that you can keep your existing statist

Warning - If You Do This Then Writing Blogs Might Just Make You Rich and Famous

I want to be rich and famous, although I will settle for just being rich. There are plenty of ways to make a regular income from blogs, affiliate marketing is just one. To make this income you will need traffic, people that are loyal to you and have come to trust you. Only then will they buy from yo

Top 10 Best Ways to Get Social Media Traction For Your Blog

Getting traction for your small business blog can often be challenging. But remembering a few simple steps can make a huge difference. We often see small business owners with two problems. Either they don't blog often enough because they don't know how to get started, or they blog like cra