How to Move a Blog on Feedburner to a New Domain
- 1). Log in to your account on Feedburner. This will take you to the My Feeds dashboard. Select the feed that you want to change the domain name on.
- 2). On the feed management page, click the "Edit Feed Details..." link below your feed name. This will open a small menu above whatever feature you currently have open on your feed management page.
- 3). Change the contents of the "Original Feed" box to reflect your new blog's domain name. If you're using the same service, such a changing your Blogger URL to use a custom domain name, you can just change the domain portion of the URL. If you're switching to a new blogging platform, replace the entire URL to reflect your new RSS feed. The default WordPress RSS feed URL is; the default Blogger feed URL is; and the default RSS feed for TypePad is
- 4). Change the feed title, if your name has changed -- but keep in mind that if you change the feed address, you'll have to alert all previous subscribers to your new RSS feed. Subscribers are not automatically redirected, and any links to the old Feedburner address will be broken.
- 5). Click the "Save Feed Details" button. Once it saves, a slim green box will appear saying "You have successfully updated the feed "Your Blog".