Advice for Preconception.
The statistics are staggering: An estimated 5 to 8 million couples in the United States are having difficulty conceiving. However, experts claim that there has "never been a better time than now to get pregnant" thanks to the many options and technologies available. What you need to know is the basics of how to get pregnant by protecting, increasing, and extending your fertility. How to find essential information such as the optimal timing, frequency, and sexual positions for getting pregnant. New findings on foods and exercise programs that boost fertility and breakthrough medical techniques that help achieve pregnancy without the risk of multiples.
Take charge of your fertility by learning to read your body's signals. You need a better understanding of the female cycle and its relationship to fertility, conception, and birth control. There are great books that include fully intuitive charting systems. Numerous charts for birth control, pregnancy achievement, and menopause. What are the latest high-tech treatments for fertility. Find articles that teach you how to monitor your menstrual cycle. Soon you'll be able to recognize when you're most fertile, when to anticipate your menstrual period, and whether you've conceived.
If you are trying to conceive then you've most certainly got big plans and high hopes, but you'll also need a few practical supplies to make a baby. There are numerous tools available to you such as a fertility monitor, ovulation predictor, and the always-exciting pregnancy test. From fertility aids and fertility monitors, ovulation predictors to pregnancy tests, there are tons of conception-enhancing products that can assist you.
Many consider the 30s the happy-medium age for motherhood. You're more secure in your career and in your relationship, which will provide a firm foundation for your growing family. Hopefully, you and your partner have also had the chance to have some adventures together before you embark on parenthood, the greatest adventure of all. But, there's a tremendous difference between your ability to get pregnant in your early versus your late 30s. As the decade progresses, a woman's fertility goes into free fall. That's why fertility experts caution women in their 30s not to wait too long, particularly if they want more than one child.
In many ways, having children in your 30s makes financial and practical sense. You probably have a higher income and a better financial cushion than in your 20s, because you've had more time to become established in the working world. Yet you may have more flexibility than a woman in her 40s, who might find it personally and professionally difficult to interrupt a high-level career to have a child. Luckily, new moms in their 30s still have a lot of stamina and resilience, qualities that come in handy for parenting young children. While everyone develops differently, women at this age are likely to know themselves better than women in their 20s do and are less likely to be as set in their ways as women in their 40s.
Lastly, nutrition, when it comes to getting pregnant, the old adage "you are what you eat" rings true. What you eat affects everything from your blood to your cells to your hormones. According to the American Pregnancy Association, a nonprofit that promotes reproductive health, you should allow three months to a year for dietary changes to take root. But if you're already in the throes of baby-making, don't fret -- it's never too late to get a leg up.
Drink alcohol sparingly, an occasional glass of wine or bottle of beer probably won't hurt your odds of conceiving. Just make sure you aren't pregnant when you imbibe, because alcohol can harm a developing fetus. That means the time to be a teetotaler is between ovulation and menstruation, the best time to have a worry-free drink is the day you get your period. Curb caffeine, the research on whether caffeine can affect fertility is mixed. Experts generally agree that low to moderate caffeine consumption won't get in the way of getting pregnant. Eat your greens, and reds, and yellows, think of produce as Mother Nature's multivitamin. Fruits and vegetables not only deliver a wealth of vitamins and minerals, they also overflow with free-radical-busting micronutrients. Get the most nutritional bang for your buck by buying brightly colored fruits and vegetables, like blueberries, red peppers, and kale. The more vivid the hue, the more nutrient-packed the produce.
Hopefully I exposed enough topics and raised enough questions in your head for you to expand your research and get into more detail on some of the points I've discussed here. Here is a site that has tons of information and products that can help you from preconception, through pregnancy and into your babies first years.
See all Coupons & Sales at BabyCenter
Take charge of your fertility by learning to read your body's signals. You need a better understanding of the female cycle and its relationship to fertility, conception, and birth control. There are great books that include fully intuitive charting systems. Numerous charts for birth control, pregnancy achievement, and menopause. What are the latest high-tech treatments for fertility. Find articles that teach you how to monitor your menstrual cycle. Soon you'll be able to recognize when you're most fertile, when to anticipate your menstrual period, and whether you've conceived.
If you are trying to conceive then you've most certainly got big plans and high hopes, but you'll also need a few practical supplies to make a baby. There are numerous tools available to you such as a fertility monitor, ovulation predictor, and the always-exciting pregnancy test. From fertility aids and fertility monitors, ovulation predictors to pregnancy tests, there are tons of conception-enhancing products that can assist you.
Many consider the 30s the happy-medium age for motherhood. You're more secure in your career and in your relationship, which will provide a firm foundation for your growing family. Hopefully, you and your partner have also had the chance to have some adventures together before you embark on parenthood, the greatest adventure of all. But, there's a tremendous difference between your ability to get pregnant in your early versus your late 30s. As the decade progresses, a woman's fertility goes into free fall. That's why fertility experts caution women in their 30s not to wait too long, particularly if they want more than one child.
In many ways, having children in your 30s makes financial and practical sense. You probably have a higher income and a better financial cushion than in your 20s, because you've had more time to become established in the working world. Yet you may have more flexibility than a woman in her 40s, who might find it personally and professionally difficult to interrupt a high-level career to have a child. Luckily, new moms in their 30s still have a lot of stamina and resilience, qualities that come in handy for parenting young children. While everyone develops differently, women at this age are likely to know themselves better than women in their 20s do and are less likely to be as set in their ways as women in their 40s.
Lastly, nutrition, when it comes to getting pregnant, the old adage "you are what you eat" rings true. What you eat affects everything from your blood to your cells to your hormones. According to the American Pregnancy Association, a nonprofit that promotes reproductive health, you should allow three months to a year for dietary changes to take root. But if you're already in the throes of baby-making, don't fret -- it's never too late to get a leg up.
Drink alcohol sparingly, an occasional glass of wine or bottle of beer probably won't hurt your odds of conceiving. Just make sure you aren't pregnant when you imbibe, because alcohol can harm a developing fetus. That means the time to be a teetotaler is between ovulation and menstruation, the best time to have a worry-free drink is the day you get your period. Curb caffeine, the research on whether caffeine can affect fertility is mixed. Experts generally agree that low to moderate caffeine consumption won't get in the way of getting pregnant. Eat your greens, and reds, and yellows, think of produce as Mother Nature's multivitamin. Fruits and vegetables not only deliver a wealth of vitamins and minerals, they also overflow with free-radical-busting micronutrients. Get the most nutritional bang for your buck by buying brightly colored fruits and vegetables, like blueberries, red peppers, and kale. The more vivid the hue, the more nutrient-packed the produce.
Hopefully I exposed enough topics and raised enough questions in your head for you to expand your research and get into more detail on some of the points I've discussed here. Here is a site that has tons of information and products that can help you from preconception, through pregnancy and into your babies first years.
See all Coupons & Sales at BabyCenter