Bicycle Cargo Trailers
With fluctuating high gas prices, the bicycle has become a more affordable way to get around our hometowns. Instead of driving the car to the grocery store, many of us are finding that we are bringing our bicycles so that we can save ourselves from having to spend money on fuel for our cars. Another way that a bicycle can save the regular family money is the repair costs. Repairing a bicycle is much more affordable that the repairs on an automobile. One way that we can get more from our bicycles when using them for transportation is buying accessories such as bicycle cargo trailers.
If you plan on using your bicycle to carry groceries or other items, you can buy extra storage accessories such as bicycle baskets, panniers or cargo trailers. Bicycle cargo trailers are available in a wide variety of styles and types. Some cargo trailers connect to a bicycle by attaching directly behind it. Single wheel bicycle cargo trailers are smaller and won't carry heavier cargo. These types of cargo trailers may only carry light items such as clothing or small tents.
Bicycle cargo trailers that are two-wheeled are ideal for families who want to bring along their children or have extra groceries to carry home. Most two-wheeled cargo trailers can carry up to three small children, a couple of toddlers or one older child such as five or six year old. In some cargo trailers, the seat can fold down too. This can make extra room to carry other items as needed.
With the popularity of the bicycle rising and many using it other than just for a daily ride, bicycle cargo trailers are beginning to be available in many types. Some cargo trailers are used to transport handicapped adults while others can pull as much as 150 pounds of items. Those types of cargo trailers would be ideal for individuals who deliver newspapers every day.
One accessory that you might plan on buying for your trailer is a cover for when it rains. This will protect it from water damage if you get caught out in a rain-storm or if you do not have a garage or covered area to store your bicycle and cargo trailer in. It's also handy to have for the person who might be riding in the trailer too so that they do not get too wet on the ride back home.
So, if fuel prices are taking away too much of the cash in your wallet, and you live in an area that has a local grocery store or other places to shop, you can get more out of a bicycle and cargo trailer. Bicycle cargo trailers can be quite handy when it comes to shopping or to just take your children out for a daily ride.