Understanding the Female Athlete Triad

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The syndrome known as the female athlete triad affects many women who are in training for a competitive sport or participating in a vigorous workout program. It is quite commonly found in activities where body image is critical to success: activities like figure skating, gymnastics, and ballet. It's important for women who are trying to improve their body image to understand what the female athlete triad is, determine if they are already affected, and learn how to protect themselves from its effects. The syndrome is comprised of three related conditions, discussed below.


Amenorrhea is the cessation of what has been a normal menstrual cycle for a period of three or more months. This does not include irregular periods, but no periods at all. Those with irregular periods will undoubtedly have a period during the three month span, and would notice the total absence for that period.

Eating Disorders

There are a number of eating disorders that fit into this category: anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, or any other problem relationship with foods. Women do not have to be starving themselves to have an eating disorder. It could be as simple as characteristic guilt after eating outside personally developed dietary guidelines.


The most acutely serious of the triad problems is osteoporosis, which increases markedly the possibility of stress fractures or broken bones that can affect the woman's quality of life for her lifetime. Regardless of what foods you determine to reduce eating in order to lose weight and body fat, don't eliminate dairy products. The calcium content is critical to bone development, repair, and maintenance. This condition is often the result of the other two problems in the female athlete triad.

What are the Female Athlete Triad's Causes?

The most recognizable and significant cause of the female athlete triad is not consuming enough calories each day to ensure proper nutrition. If a woman is not eating foods that provide at least ten calories for every pound of body weight, she is not consuming enough to protect herself. Women need body fat to function properly. Women with body fat that is too low, often have problems with their reproductive system, which includes the abovementioned absence of periods. While reducing body fat is a personally driven goal and generally beneficial to the body, it is critical first, that the body consume enough calories to remain healthy and to operate efficiently.

Over-exercising is another contributing cause to the female athlete triad. Over-exercising places a great deal of unnecessary stress on a woman's system causing both her CNS and reproductive system to react negatively. Don't over exercise. In fact, schedule rest periods as an integral part of your workout program.

If you suffer from any of the conditions that make up the female athlete triad, it would be wise to speak with a heath professional or sports medicine physician. Suffering from one of the conditions often indicates a tendency to be suffering from the others as well.

If you are having problems, you can help yourself by cutting back on the extent and level of your exercise workouts, and increase your caloric intake. Looking good is important to you, but being healthy is even more important. Sick people don't look well, even if they work out. While extenuating medical circumstances may contribute to the effects of the female athlete triad, most of the problems are behavioral and can be eliminate with or without professional help.
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