Protect Your Original Computer Images From Mishaps With Image Rescue Software
Have you ever went to your computer and started playing around with your images, changing them here and there and making them just the way you want them.
And then all of a sudden you did something that totally ruined the picture but somehow you must have hit the wrong key and your original picture was gone and now you are stuck with this messed up image.
This scenario is exactly what the Image rescue software will keep from happening.
The Image rescue software is installed on your computer in order to protect the original images that you have downloaded into your pictures folder or wherever you usually put your images.
This software program can also retrieve lost or deleted images also including videos and audio files.
They say that when you delete something in your computer or off of a memory card, the file is never really deleted until you totally format the drive or memory card so if you accidentally delete a very special picture from one of these sources, then the Image rescue software would be able to retrieve it for you.
There are a lot of times when a person will use their digital camera and delete the pictures off of the camera without realizing that they have not downloaded them off of the memory card yet.
This scenario actually happens quite often but the individual with the camera just sucks it up and puts away their disappointment at the loss of their pictures and goes on their merry way without realizing that those pictures could have been saved.
Using the Image rescue software to rescue these pictures is possible.
As long as the memory card was not formatted in the camera, in the card reader or by the cameras download program, it is said that at least 3 out of every 5 pictures can be retrieved.
This is very good news for people like me who always seem to find a way to hit the delete button when I don't mean to.
There are many image rescue software programs available for people to use.
The 3 largest programs are DataRescue's PhotoRescue 3.
0, Lexar's Image Rescue 3 and SanDisk's RescuePro 3.
These image rescue software programs are the most popular because of their ease of use and the way they are able to retrieve almost 95 percent of images that were lost.
Having this type of software around is a safety net for many people.
And then all of a sudden you did something that totally ruined the picture but somehow you must have hit the wrong key and your original picture was gone and now you are stuck with this messed up image.
This scenario is exactly what the Image rescue software will keep from happening.
The Image rescue software is installed on your computer in order to protect the original images that you have downloaded into your pictures folder or wherever you usually put your images.
This software program can also retrieve lost or deleted images also including videos and audio files.
They say that when you delete something in your computer or off of a memory card, the file is never really deleted until you totally format the drive or memory card so if you accidentally delete a very special picture from one of these sources, then the Image rescue software would be able to retrieve it for you.
There are a lot of times when a person will use their digital camera and delete the pictures off of the camera without realizing that they have not downloaded them off of the memory card yet.
This scenario actually happens quite often but the individual with the camera just sucks it up and puts away their disappointment at the loss of their pictures and goes on their merry way without realizing that those pictures could have been saved.
Using the Image rescue software to rescue these pictures is possible.
As long as the memory card was not formatted in the camera, in the card reader or by the cameras download program, it is said that at least 3 out of every 5 pictures can be retrieved.
This is very good news for people like me who always seem to find a way to hit the delete button when I don't mean to.
There are many image rescue software programs available for people to use.
The 3 largest programs are DataRescue's PhotoRescue 3.
0, Lexar's Image Rescue 3 and SanDisk's RescuePro 3.
These image rescue software programs are the most popular because of their ease of use and the way they are able to retrieve almost 95 percent of images that were lost.
Having this type of software around is a safety net for many people.