India Crippled by "Soft" Policies

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Does being peaceful and showing goodwill in the state indicate terrorists have the license to work at their freewill?? Indeed it does!! Soft policies against terrorists will definitely create a lot of positive headlines but at the same time it puts to stake the survival and security of its people and primarily disturbs the government's commitment towards preserving national interests.
The Mumbai terror attacks of 11/26 shook India and stunned the world, clearly revealing huge chinks in the country's anti-terror armor.
A year later, the sole surviving terrorist captured by authorities, Mohammad Ajmal Kasab is given the right to seek freedom before the courts of law, the masterminds of the deadly assault are free and the country harboring these terrorists- Pakistan, is probably laughing at our weakness, dismissing us as a state whose outrage is easily calmed by tokenism.
Our leaders say, war is not the only way to assert one's strength, dialogue with Pakistan is the best recourse given the volatile situation in the country.
But, isn't this 'anti-confrontation' policy responsible for India's failure to check terrorism? Isn't India a soft state? India, being a secular democratic state has always faced difficulties in maintaining its integrity every now and then.
But the unity amongst people and the prevailing brotherhood among countrymen have kept as intact despite being the most diversified country in the world.
We are renowned to be kindhearted and generous towards others.
We like our friends and love our enemies.
Call it Gandhigiri or national ethics, compared to other nations, people in our country are not outrageous or rebellious when it comes to "International Relations" (only when it comes to international relations).
Our government is prompt to extend hands of friendship but never fastens its belt to initiate a war, whatsoever the intensity of the issue.
The global fraternity has labeled India as a "soft state" that has failed to protect its national interests on several occasions.
Thanks to petty politics and the indecisiveness of our leadership, time and again our security forces have been the victims of the apathy of our government policies.
Imagine looking back fearfully each time you enter a temple, looking suspiciously at your fellow passengers in the train.
It is this very reaction that a terrorist gloats upon.
To strike fear is the utmost target in his mind.
When we succumb to that fear and terror, his goal is achieved!! As long as we show compassion for the accused, we will not achieve the goal of ridding our nation of terrorism.
And that exactly is our most vital problem.
There is nothing hard in proving that India is soft in combating terrorism.
Anybody who reads the daily paper will know that we are.
Anybody who flies by Air India and Indian Airlines will know.
Anybody who thinks that we gave a free ride to three of the worst criminals of the world to a destination called Kandhahar in the distinguished company of our foreign minister would know that we are indeed a "Soft" state.
What we must also consider here is that our police force has got a very distinguished record of being a terror in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and few other states.
Our policemen rub chilly powder into the eyes of prisoners, belt them till the fun is down and hang them upside down if they don't sing as per command, giving fellow-citizens a taste of 'guantenamo' in indigenous style.
Sadly, these brutalities are frequently committed in a country proud of its human rights awareness and constitutional guarantees.
What we as citizens of this great country must first learn, is to respect the value of being who we are.
If we do not uphold civilian interests and rights here in our country, the world will never respect the Indian citizen.
It is the softness towards terrorists, combined with the brutalities against our own citizens that make us such a weak state.
As Chanchal Chatterjee said, "Our inability to deal with hard targets strongly has given us the soft state image and everyone takes us for a ride.
" Preserving freedom by exuding goodwill is merely a naive notion that makes us a vulnerable state.
What we need is an attitudinal change instilling a bolder stand on international platforms when it comes to injustices towards the Indian citizen.
Our country's leaders' attitude does not reflect a national resolve to pay the price required to fight terrorism.
If peace is what we actually want, then war is definitely imperative for peace.
Confronting terror to preserve national security is never an offence but a governmental duty towards the welfare of its people.
When it comes to being stern against terror we need to learn in plenty from the fast growing nations in our neighbourhood.
The state of Israel has greater border tensions and international problems to deal with.
Yet when it comes to dealing with terror, there is no chance for negotiation.
That is exactly what makes both the world governments and the terrorist lobbies give them respect and start thinking twice before making a decision against them.
Preserving the interests of their people should be of prime importance to every every state, and that is indeed a self deeming position to be in.
Singapore to take a recent example, showed no mercy to an American youth proved guilty for vandalism despite appeals from the American president.
Stern decisions as such call for self esteem, sensible leadership and high priority for national interests.
Being one of the richest countries in terms of resources, India is yet to make a mark in International trade.
Outsourcing of India's best brains to developed nations via a "Brain drain syndrome" makes India incompetent despite the mammoth investments aimed at development.
The United States of America relies upon the huge Indian human resource assets it has in its corporate circles, and the irony of fate- India's economy is governed by the whims of US multinational companies.
We are very well aware that poverty dominates over prosperity in our nation.
But the glittery of IT and the other mediocre sectors that have found success are often praised to the extent that covers reality.
We are no more in a position to compare ourselves with China.
We often think that China is a developing country like India (technically it is), but that is not entirely true.
China is the most powerful nation in the world after the US in terms of almost anything (especially military and defense).
The world currency markets are governed by china.
The US Federal reserve thinks twice before taking any decision regarding China because it holds the maximum dollar reserves compared to any other country.
The moment India shows determination to develop; we are subdued by the harsh realities that make us weak right at our foundations.
Building enough infrastructures and ensuring standards of health and peace are of utmost importance to India but the pathetic condition of the poor find higher priority.
It is difficult to turn away from the harsh reality-high population, illiteracy, unemployment, social marginalization, poverty, highly appalling condition of public health and much more make our country weak.
We need to track these issues right to their ancestral roots in order to come up with a permanent remedy.
Sooner the headship realizes this, the better for the nation.
On the track to betterment there is no gray, it's black or white, yes or no.
There is no scope for a counterfeit policy.
We can no longer put to stake our successful trail by swaying into mediocre sources of insinuation.
Hence it becomes highly important for the Government to stand up to such situations in future and demonstrate the right mix of power and bargaining strength to neutralise the antagonist and avoid becoming a soft state.
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