Garden Plants in India
- India's garden plants come in many varieties, thanks to the region's warm climate.frangipanier image by jean claude braun from
Like people, plants always have a place they feel most at home, a climate they thrive in. At the same time, plants are reminiscent of home. India's warm weather allows for a wide variety of plants in India. If you live in India, these plants will flourish in your garden. If you live outside of India, choosing plants particular to India can help recreate the landscape and feel of the country. These plants will grow best in a climate to India's, or you could try growing them inside. - These are excellent tomatoes commonly grown in Kerala, India. Tasty and juicy, these adorable little tomatoes are quite possibly the smallest tomatoes you've ever seen. These tomatoes may be just a nibble, but they are big on flavor. One garden plant will grow abundantly and produce loads of tomatoes. These beauties make great toppers for salads, or you can just eat them right off the vine.
- These plants do well during the cold months in India, particularly in December and January. They work great as foliage garden plants, adding green life to the garden when not much else grows. The leaves change color tones. In a single fortnight, they will provide a rich, colorful variety to the garden, while most other plants will have a denuded look. The beauty of these plants is there's little to no fuss. Plant the cuttings and water them. They left can be left to the sun.
- This small, branching herb features ovate, lance-shaped leaves and is commonly found along jungle edges and wasteland. The leaves have are whitish with a splash of purple, while the flowers are bluish purple, white on the edges and tubular in dimension. Some consider common anystasia a weed, but its beautiful flowers have made it a popular gardening plant in India.
- An evergreen perrenial plant, bear's breeches grows just under two feet tall with two to three feet of spread. Its purple or pink flowers stand in erect spikes at the ends of its branches. Long lasting, the white-lipped flowers are native to the Mediterranean region.
- A climber with ovate-oblong and slightly toothed leaves, the laurel clock vine grows blue to violet flowers with a 1.5 cm wide capsule. The leaves are long, pointed, hairless and about 17 to 18 cm long. This flower adds nice color and dimension to an Indian garden.
Cherry Tomatoes
Common Anystasia
Bear's Breeches
Laurel Clock Vine