How to Repair Damaged Hair
- 1). Apply a homemade egg and olive oil conditioner once a week for a month to help repair hair. To make one application, whisk one egg yolk with two tbsp. of olive oil in a bowl. Apply to hair, especially on the ends. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse before shampooing.
- 2). Use vitamin E treatment on your hair, either store bought or homemade. To make a homemade treatment break open 5 or 6 vitamin E capsules and combine with your favorite shampoo. Vitamin E makes hair look healthy, shiny and smooth.
- 3). Get regular hair trims once a month. These trims get rid of damaged hair and encourage faster hair growth.
- 4). Try a diffuser at a low-heat or cool setting when you use your hair dryer. With irons, try to use the lowest heat setting.
- 5). Shampoo and condition your hair less frequently. Ideally, two or three times a week helps curb over-drying and repairs damaged hair.
- 6). Rinse and shampoo hair as soon as possible after swimming in chlorine or salt water. Both of these make hair more brittle.
- 7). Be patient. It takes the average person months to grow enough new hair to replace damaged hair.