What Are Your Chances of Winning an Ex Back? - Get an Ex Back Even If the Situation Seems Hopeless
It really depends on your situation.
However, while there are factors that are beyond your control, there are also things that you can do to improve your chances of saving your relationship and winning your ex back to your side, even if your situation seems hopeless.
First, you will not want to make the mistakes that many men and women made when trying to win back their lover's heart.
And the best way to avoid those mistakes is to know what those mistakes are.
For example, one of the most common mistakes is calling your ex boyfriend or girlfriend again and again.
This usually happens when you can't get your ex to answer the phone.
You don't want to do that for several reasons.
First, repeated calling your ex is considered as a sign of desperation.
Desperation only drives your ex further away.
Second, calling your ex over and over again will make him/her get more irritated.
He/she might even decide to cut off all contacts from you, which is definitely what you do not want.
By avoid this number one mistake, you will be in a much better position to win your ex back.