Are We Too Serious in Our Network Marketing?
were miles and miles away from it. That you had never taken that
path. That you had not made those decisions. And you wish you could
turn back the clock to well before that fateful choice.
And yet suddenly that can produce your greatest breakthrough.
For some reason it is like we need to go through these things in
order to get to the next stage.
If everything is comfortable we do not move on. It is easier
staying comfortable.
But life is all about change and moving beyond where we are to the
next stage.
Wallace D. Wattles in his great little book "The Science of Getting
Rich" mentions how if we want to get to a new level of earning such
as a promotion or a new area to earn money in, we need to expand
ourselves beyond where we are now, or add more value to the position
we are in. By doing so we automatically get promoted to the next or
new level.
But in doing so we can at times get ourselves in positions that feel
The money suddenly gets tighter as we have tried expanding faster
than we had the resources to grow. Or we commit ourselves to some
training or travel that will stretch our credit facilities. And then
we have to pay it back. And may find this a bigger stretch than we
Then the questions come.
Should I have done this? Am I on the right path? Am I wasting my
Well something like this happened to me in recent days. And I was
getting somewhat uptight at the way things were working. People and
circumstances seemed to be so unreasonable. Like Murphy's Law,
everything that could possibly go wrong was doing so at the same
time. And it was getting painful.
What was the point of all this? Why did this have to happen?
From a mindset perspective I knew better than this.
Focusing on negative experiences and thoughts only produces more of
the same. My focus being on the problems sees only more of them.
And then my attitude changes and the responses I am getting to other
people heads down the same way.
I needed to focus on the good things that were around me. There are
always huge numbers if we can get our eyes on to them. Or to look
out for things I could be grateful for. But this seemed a more
difficult task than usual.
And then it struck me. Something that I had heard about quite a
number of high earning entrepreneurs, billionaires and the like.
They did not need the money to keep doing what they did. They had
more than enough. What kept them going?
It was the fun of the game - the trading, the building, proving a
system, the interactions. Whatever their area, it was the fun of
doing it.
And suddenly it occurred to me that was how I should be treating
things. Not just the situation I was in. But also my regular work
and my network marketing mlm business.
Is this a reasonable way to go?
I had always been serious (with a touch of fun and light banter) in
my regular business and my network marketing. After all these were
serious businesses about serious things. One in medicine and the
other in a huge business that was making serious money and was
endorsed by big business leaders. So I should be serious about these
But was it getting me where I wanted to go as fast as I wanted it to?
And I realised suddenly that treating these things as a game was
going to be so much more liberating. Sure these were serious
businesses. But so were the ones these billionaires were running.
But it was not the core of who each of them was.
Richard Branson, when asked how he could be so non-stressed resting
on his Necker Island while countless businesses he oversaw were
constantly requiring many decisions and could go through repeated
crises, said that he could lose a business or all of his businesses
but that was not the most important thing to him. His family and
person were of much more value. And they were the only things he
would get concerned about!
If he can adopt that attitude, cannot we in our regular and mlm
Would it be valid to do so?
Well I took a look at that approach and have decided it is so much
more liberating to come from that position.
Consider asking people to look at your network marketing
opportunity. If you have to be so serious about it, it makes the
people you are talking to serious, which makes them more defensive
Turning it into a game where you are out having fun, people catch
the energy and vibration of that and lower their guard. And to
invite people to have a look at a game you are playing is much less
threatening than to invite them to look at a business.
And if they see it as a game they find it easier to talk to their
friends about seeing it. The infectious energy of a game transmits
And are we lessening the value by doing so?
Well, why did we chose to get into network marketing anyway? Was it
not to have time and money? So why not start right at the outset
with this attitude? That of freedom and fun? And those who join us
will have the same attitude. Growth with fun is much more enjoyable
than slower growth with seriousness.
And, as with the billionaires, it is all a game anyway. We learn
the rules as we go along. And we have fun learning the way to play it
Who's for having fun?