Bracelet Display Ideas
- Show off your bracelets by putting them on display.bracelet image by jimcox40 from
If you enjoy wearing or collecting bracelets, display them. Piling your jewelry in a box can make it difficult to get a good idea of what exactly you have. A bracelet display ensures easy access and can spark an idea for an outfit. Bracelet displays need not be expensive or fancy; create handy displays with items found around your home. - If you’ve got a precious teddy bear or stuffed animal from your childhood, give the creature a new purpose: displaying your bracelets. Place all kinds of bracelets of all kinds--from rubber and elastic stretch to gold and silver--on a stuffed animal. Depending on the size of the toy, you may be able to loop your bracelets right over the stuffed animal’s arms, or store bracelets around its head (like a headband) and legs.
Add your bracelets on in reverse order of wearing frequency. For example, place your finest jewelry and the bracelets you wear least first, further up the animal’s arms. Keep your favorites toward the stuffed animal’s paws or the top of its head for easy access. You'll get a quick look at your available jewelry while still being able to cuddle your special friend. - A staple of garages and workspaces, pegboards make an ideal way to display your bracelets. A pegboard is a piece of material with holes; you’ll find them in hardware stores and super centers. You can also make your own a variety of ways; drill plywood or corkboard, or just add thumbtacks to a large section of corkboard.
Decide whether to display your bracelets closed (as a loop) or unclasped (hanging down in a straight line). If you display them as a loop, all you need are small hooks or the pushpins in the corkboard. Hang the bracelet over the hook or pin and it stays until you next want to wear it. To display bracelets unclasped and hanging down, there are several options. Push a map head pin through one of the holes in the bracelet’s links to secure it to the board, or drape the bracelet over the hook. You can also weave the clasp of the bracelet into the hole on the board to attach and secure it. - When you’ve got a little extra closet space, show off your bracelet collection. This quick fix requires only a hanger, twist ties (such as those from bread bags) and something strong enough to cut through the hanger, such as a wire cutter. To create your display, cut one end of the bottom of the hanger forming the triangle. This separates the bottom line of the hanger from its arc, allowing you to easily slide on your clasped bracelets.
Because bracelets will slide around and pile up, add a twist tie every couple of inches on the hanger’s bottom. Wrap the entire tie, tucking in the ends to form bumpers for the bracelets. Add bracelets onto the hanger by sliding them over the bumpers, one per section, then hang up your new display.
Stuffed Showoff
Hanging Around