Soundproofing Techniques
- When building walls with drywall, make sure that no studs or metal reinforcers go from one drywall to the other. This will minimize transmission of sound through the insulation layer. While installing the standard pink insulation will reduce noise, consider purchasing denser sound-dampening insulation. An even better option, if permanent wiring is in place, is to have a specialist fill the wall with a hardening insulation foam.
- One of the most common ways that sound is transmitted from room to room is through doorways. Make sure never to buy hollow doors, which act like transmitting sound boards. When designing a room make sure not to put doors directly across from each other. Staggering doorways will prevent sound from being given a direct line-of-sight avenue from room to room. Finally, install draft guards on the bottom of your doors.
- In addition to soundproofing a room, you can take steps in landscaping to prevent sound from reaching your house in the first place. The best solution to noise pollution is the use of broad-base pine trees. Plant pine trees in staggered rows along a fence or property line to absorb a great deal of noise from the outside world.