Kenmore Elite Refrigerator Keeps Freezing Food
- Check the Temperature Control knob. The dial is located inside the refrigerator and is typically set to 3 or 4 to regulate the temperature. If the dial was accidentally turned to a higher level, it can result in freezing indoor temperatures. Turn down the dial to 2 if the indoor temperature causes freezing at level 3, or down to level 3 if the dial is currently at level 4.
- Avoid storing recently cooked food in the refrigerator. The heat from the cooked food's container throws off the internal temperature in the refrigerator and causes the fridge to work harder to restore the temperature, which can freeze previously stored food.
- Reduce your frequency of opening the refrigerator door. Warm air enters the inside of the fridge each time the door is opened and can cause the refrigerator to run harder than usual to eliminate the warm air and maintain the internal temperature.
- The temperature of your home affects the temperature of the refrigerator as high temperatures in your home result in the fridge detecting the heat and running its temperature control feature to prevent food from spoiling. Maintain your home's indoor temperature to no warmer than 80 degrees Fahrenheit to eliminate a freezing refrigerator climate.
Temperature Control
Hot Food Storage
Door Issues
Home Temperature