Safety Hints for Electrical Appliances
- Make sure that none of your electrical appliances get wet. Do not put electrical appliances in areas that are often damp or wet. Appliances in these areas are more likely to be hazardous. If an appliance has gotten wet and you are not sure whether to use it or not, have a professional check it out rather than risking electrocution. If your appliance has a damaged cord with exposed wires, it is also a good idea to have a professional look at it. Use surge protectors to protect your appliances.
- Keep your appliances unplugged unless necessary. Leaving toasters, hair straighteners and other common appliances plugged in is dangerous and wastes power when the appliances are not in use. Keep wires from different appliances separated from one another. Bunches of wires clumped together are a risk for electrical fires. Make sure all wires and cords are kept out of the way of traffic. When people walk over cords and wires constantly, the cords and wires become damaged.
- If you have an appliance that gives off heat, keep items a good distance from it. The heat that comes from small heaters and other hot appliances can cause fires when combined with paper or clothing items. Turn off lamps when they are not in use, as the bulbs can get hot and cause fire with items that are resting nearby.
- If an appliance you consistently use begins to give off sparks or get hot much sooner than it should, have it checked out by a professional. These signs generally mean that the appliance is at a much greater risk to cause an accidental fire.
Wires and Plug-Ins
Warning Signs