How to Make a Hand Fan
- 1). Fold a rectangular piece of paper back and forth in an accordion fold. Each fold should be about 1 inch in length, and the folds should all be even.
- 2). Measure the length and with of an individual fold. Since all the folds will be about the same size, you can just measure one at the end.
- 3). Draw a rectangle on a piece of flat board that is about 1.5 inches longer and half an inch wider than the fold you just measured. For example, if your folds are 1 inch wide by 6 inches long, trace out a rectangle about 1.5 inches by 7.5 inches
- 4). Cut out the rectangle with a saw. Then, draw and cut out a second identical rectangle. Drill two small holes in each rectangular piece, about half an inch away from either end.
- 5). Glue the pieces to the end folds of the fan, one on each end. Tie the two bottom holes together.
- 6). Loop a ribbon through the two top holes. Tie it in a bow to fasten the fan closed. To open it, simply untie the ribbon.
- 1). Cut a rectangular section out of stiff cardboard. It should be about 5 inches by 5 inches and have rounded edges.
- 2). Glue a tongue depressor to one side to make a handle. Flip the cardboard piece over and glue another tongue depressor parallel to the first.
- 3). Glue a piece of cardboard between the two depressors as a brace. Cut it down so that it is exactly the same size.
- 4). Cut a small hole in the edge of the fan. Thread a piece of string through it and tie a knot at the end. Tie the string onto your belt to carry the fan around with you.
Folding Fan
Paddle Fan