How to Compress Audio Books to Burn Onto CDs
- 1). Select a media management program capable of compressing and burning audio files to CD. Windows Media Player is a good bet, as it is very common and makes the job easy.
- 2). Launch your media management program.
- 3). In your media management library, search for your audio book by title or author. If it then appears in your library, go on to Step 4. If your audio book does not appear, add it to the library. To do this in Windows Media Player, go to "File > Manage libraries > Music" and the folder that contains your audio book. Once the audio book files have been indexed, search for and display them in the library.
- 4). Click "Burn," at upper right.
- 5). Add your audio book to the "Burn list" pane at right. To do this, make sure the audio tracks appear in chronological order in your media manager's library. Select all of the audio files and drag them into the "Burn list" pane.
- 6). Insert a blank CD in the CD-RW carriage of your computer.
- 7). Click "Start burn." This will begin the compress-and-burn process.
- 8). When the first CD is filled with tracks, Windows Media Player will eject it and prompt you to insert a fresh CD. Do so and continue the burn.
- 9). Repeat Step 8 until your entire audio book has been compressed and burned to CD.