The Importance of Protein After 50 For a Stronger, Leaner Body
As you get older the body has a tendency to break down if not properly cared for.
For some of us it earlier then later.
We all have seen and heard by now the importance of exercise and nutrition to maintain our health.
We all have heard by now as well the importance of exercise.
Just any type of exercise will not do when building good lean, dense muscle.
Resistance training is the key.
If you want to hold on the precious muscle tissue you have you have to consume protein.
Good quality muscle is a protein absorbing machine.
Muscle loves protein as your car loves gasoline.
Your muscle no matter what your age craves good sources of protein.
Foods like chicken and turkey breast along with egg whites are prime examples of good clean protein.
Fish is a favorite as well and you get the benefits of those omega three fatty acids as well with fish.
By consuming protein providing you have not been put on some sort of protein restricted diet by your physician, will feed the muscle in the body and when you feed the muscles you also will starve the fat.
Your muscles will burn calories at rest as well.
the more muscle you have the more calories you burn.
Muscle is active tissue and to keep that furnace burning they crave resistance training to grow and protein for fuel.
Your goal by the time you reach 50, is to start a resistance training program which will build quality muscle, clean up your diet eating more fruits and vegetables and, finding those clean sources of protein to feed those new muscles you are developing.
Try consuming 1.
0 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.
By keeping your healthcare costs down that will be your key to survival.
Build muscle, eat quality proteins and then you starve the chronic diseases.
For some of us it earlier then later.
We all have seen and heard by now the importance of exercise and nutrition to maintain our health.
We all have heard by now as well the importance of exercise.
Just any type of exercise will not do when building good lean, dense muscle.
Resistance training is the key.
If you want to hold on the precious muscle tissue you have you have to consume protein.
Good quality muscle is a protein absorbing machine.
Muscle loves protein as your car loves gasoline.
Your muscle no matter what your age craves good sources of protein.
Foods like chicken and turkey breast along with egg whites are prime examples of good clean protein.
Fish is a favorite as well and you get the benefits of those omega three fatty acids as well with fish.
By consuming protein providing you have not been put on some sort of protein restricted diet by your physician, will feed the muscle in the body and when you feed the muscles you also will starve the fat.
Your muscles will burn calories at rest as well.
the more muscle you have the more calories you burn.
Muscle is active tissue and to keep that furnace burning they crave resistance training to grow and protein for fuel.
Your goal by the time you reach 50, is to start a resistance training program which will build quality muscle, clean up your diet eating more fruits and vegetables and, finding those clean sources of protein to feed those new muscles you are developing.
Try consuming 1.
0 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.
By keeping your healthcare costs down that will be your key to survival.
Build muscle, eat quality proteins and then you starve the chronic diseases.