Is My Girlfriend Really Cheating on Me?
If you think your girlfriend might be sneaking around with someone else, it's time to get your head out of the clouds and to take action.
The signs and symptoms of a cheating girlfriend are usually pretty obvious, but if you aren't sure check out my list below.
There has been a sudden change in her appearance, seemingly over night.
If she's started spending a lot more time primping and preparing for work in the morning this could be a definite sign that something's going on.
If she's suddenly taken an interest in dieting and working out, this might also be a sign of a cheating girlfriend.
She's starting casually bringing a new male "friend" into conversation.
This is especially cause for concern if she rarely has male friends.
The fact that she's bringing up his name probably means that she hasn't done anything physical with him, but it definitely means he's been on her mind and that she's probably contemplating sleeping with him.
Your sex life has quickly dropped off the grid.
If you used to have a great sex life, but now she's constantly "tired" or has a "headache" this should be a red flag.
If she normally has a healthy sexual appetite then it probably means she's getting her kicks somewhere else.
There have been noticeable changes in her schedule.
If you used to have dinner together every night, but now she's rarely home before 9pm it's probably because she's out with someone else.
She'll use excuses like she's working late, but in all reality; she's probably being dishonest with you.
She's starting avoiding your company.
If she's spending more time with her painting easel than she is with you, that could be a sign that she's lost interest in you and that she's focusing her attentions on finding a way out of the relationship.