Bath Time Crafts for Kids
- A plastic bottle can provide hours of entertainment in the bath.alle neune image by knirzporz from
Give children some basic equipment such as funnels, plastic bottles and jugs and allow them to play pouring water from one container to another. Poke holes in some of the bottles to make it more interesting. - You can use foam to teach numbers.numbers image by Ruta Saulyte from
Foam is cheap and easy to buy. Before getting in the bath, ask the children to design some foam shapes, older children can cut their own with safety scissors and younger children can draw their designs while adults cut them out. You can also buy pre-cut foam shapes. Shapes can come in an endless variety, from flowers to letters and numbers and will float in the water. - Blowing bubbles in the bath is less messy.bubbles image by Beryl Armstrong from
Bubble blowing can be messy, as often the mixture gets everywhere. This is not so much of a problem in the bath. Make or buy a safe bubble preparation and allow the children to blow bubbles while in the bath. - Bubbles from bubble bath can be used for sculpting.Bubble bath bubbles with bast whisp image by eAlisa from
Add some child-friendly bubble bath at bath time, and encourage the children to build towers, sculpt shapes and play with the resulting foamy bubbles. - Use flannels or wash cloths to make wash cloth image by hazel proudlove from
Make small flannel rabbits out of flannels. Fold flannels into triangles, knot the corners then tie an elastic band round the middle and two around the bottom for legs and one for the tail. This can be later used for washing. - There are many different types of paper boats.Paper boats image by Stepanov from
Help the children to make and decorate some paper boats before getting in the bath. Once in, the children can float the paper boats and see whose boat sinks first.
Measuring and Pouring
Fun with Foam
Blowing Bubbles
Bubble Scultping
Flannel Rabbits
Paper Boats