How to Tell Which Direction the Ceiling Fan Is Going for Heat
- 1). Enter the room where the ceiling fan is located.
- 2). Turn on the ceiling fan.
- 3). Stand under the ceiling fan. If you see the fan's blades running counterclockwise and you feel a breeze of cool air coming down on you, the fan is set to cool. This is the setting for use during summer months.
- 4). Turn the ceiling fan off.
- 5). Locate the "reverse switch" or button, which controls the fan's direction. Switch it to the opposite setting. This button or switch will usually be on the fan's motor or on a remote control, if your ceiling fan has a remote.
- 6). Turn the ceiling fan on.
- 7). Look at the direction of the fan's blades. They should be running clockwise.
- 8). Stand under the ceiling fan. You should feel warm air coming down on you.