Muscle Building Tips - Two Simple Exercises - Dips & Chins - Quick Results
The key exercises to achieve these quick results is dips and chins.
Don't disregard the value of these two exercises, as basic as they may seem, give them a go, you won't regret it.
Sometimes you will get faster results by just focusing on a couple of basic exercises rather than a halve dozen mediocre exercises for the same body parts.
DIPS & CHINS Dips and Chins are a classic example of two simple exercises that can give you exceptional results in a relatively short period (3 months).
The quick results come about because of your focused efforts and attention on exercise form and building up the number of reps and sets you do in a training session.
Do these two exercises as your main upper body work-out for at least 3 months.
It will take you this long, if you are a beginner to build up to 5 sets of 20 reps on the dips and 5 sets of 12 reps on the chin ups (wide grip).
For those more experienced try and achieve these same reps and sets with a 15-20 kilo weight strapped around your waist.
You will end up doing hundreds even thousands of these dips and chins over a 3month period.
70% of your total will be dips and about 30% chin-ups.
So for every hundred dips, thirty of those will be chin ups.
8 Muscle Building Tips on performing Dips & Chins when starting out: 1.
Position yourself between the parallel bars, just suspend your weight on the bars at the bottom of the movement for a few seconds to give the muscles in the chest area a feel for your own body weight.
Feel the stretch and the pull under the arm pit area as well, if this is the first time for you, you will really feel it here.
You will definitely feel sore in these areas the next day if you do at least 50 reps on your first day.
OK now try and do 3-5 reps straight up and down with a slight lean forward, eyes looking straight ahead, legs straight or slightly bent at the knees and as you push yourself up between the bars lock your elbows at the top of the movement using very strict form feel the tricep.
Again slowly allowing your elbows to bend, come down slowly as far as you can, all your weight is being supported by your arms at this point until you reach the bottom of the movement.
Your body weight is now supported by your arms and shoulders, feel the stretch in the shoulders and chest area, then push back up from this point engaging the chest muscles, arms and shoulders once more until the elbows are once again locked at the top of the movement.
You may only do 2 or 3 at first.
No problem, you start building your reps from here.
As for the chins ups, grip the overhead bar with a wide grip, suspend your body weight on the bar for a few seconds and feel the stretch in the arms, in the lats and back areas.
Stand up grip the bar again wide grip palms facing away from you, thumb over the bar or under your preference, and proceed to pull yourself up as far as you can until your chin touches the bar, keep your back straight, with a slight arch, hold for a second and then let yourself down slowly until your elbows lock straight at the bottom of the movement.
Try not to swing in the movement or pull the legs up in front of you to assist yourself to get up.