I Want My Ex Back Now - Let the Dust Settle First Before You Act
While your head is telling you to wise up and be careful or you may open yourself up to being hurt again, your heart is trying to overturn your better judgement and send you back to him when you are not sure that this really is the right thing to do.
The first thing you need to ask yourself is, do I really love and want to go back to him or is this a reaction to the fear of being alone when he is not around.
If loneliness and a sense of insecurity are playing an important role in your mind then trying to patch up problems with your ex without allowing enough time to think it over could put you back into an unwanted repeat of the breakup.
3 months is an ideal time for a separation as this will give you enough time to test how you are now coping with loneliness and to consider if your relationship with him is indeed love and you really can't do without him.
This may seem a long time but in the context of a lifetime partnership this is very short.
You really need to be sure of the second time around and look at all aspects of the relationship in return for a lasting and long term love.
It is commonly accepted that most of us will experience the heartache of a breakup at sometime of our lives.
While this has the likelihood to cause pain and despair, equally as bad or worse is a return to the relationship based mostly on hoping things will change since this is prone to regurgitating the whole sorry mess over again.