Building Muscle Fast - 7 Tips on How To Do It The Safe and Easy Way

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Lets face it; we all want to build muscle as fast and as healthy ad possible.
Now that being said, building muscle fast does NOT mean going into the gym and hauling weights like you're the hulk.
Neither does it mean spending 3 hours a day in the gym like it's your freaking job.
Now when it comes to building muscle fat, I will not be writing on how to build 20 pounds of muscle in a week, but the 7 muscle-building tips I will provide here will definitely help you build LONG TERM, REAL muscle faster than most of the other people out there who go full Rambo in the gym.
Tip 1 - Compound Movements That's right; bench presses are your friend.
So are leg presses and squats.
Now don't get me wrong, you certainly can build muscle with isolation type exercises, and in fact, I recommend you do the isolated exercises after you have done some compounds, that way you can really get targeted and hit the areas you want to focus on most, but doing only isolation exercises will take a much longer time to build muscles but we are interested in building muscle fast.
So do less of these: Concentration curls
  • Tricep Kickbacks
  • Leg Extensions
  • Cable Crossovers
  • Tricep push-downs
And do more of these:
  • Bench press: this hits your triceps (use an in grip to include your tri's), chest AND shoulders.
  • Military press
  • Squats
Tip 2 - Do the exercises the RIGHT WAY And you may be thinking to yourself, "I already know what the right way is, lemme skip this one.
" But do you really? How many times have you gone to the gym and seen guys just bouncing the barbell off their chest like it's a freaking basketball.
If you've never seen one of those guys, you probably are him.
That guy next to you who is lifting 100 pounds more than you can do that because he has been working out longer than you have, work hard, the right way, and you'll be lifting that much in no time.
Tip 3 - Get your set/reps right (VERY IMPORTANT) When it comes to sets and reps, you want to do 2-3 sets per exercise and as far as reps go, you want to do 6-12.
This setup build, BOTH strength and muscle.
When it comes to total amount of sets per workout session, 10-12 MAX.
That guy in the magazine who tells you he spends 3 hours on the gym and does 20 sets, guess what, he's on the juice.
If you want to do this naturally, 10-12 sets.
This workouts best if you do split workouts; so one day you can workout chest triceps and shoulders, and another day you can do your biceps and back, another day can be for your legs.
Tip 4 - Stop over training Including the time it takes you to warm up, you should be out of the gym in 45 minutes to an hour.
Spending any more than and hour in the gym will start releasing cortisol, which will basically REVERSE all the hard work you've done over the weeks and start breaking down your muscle and using it for energy, its called the stress hormone, and working out for more than and hour is stressful on your body.
The key is to stimulate your muscles, not kill them altogether.
Tip 5 - Get enough rest.
Every muscle group that you workout, should be allowed to rest for more than 2 days (I personally rest mine from 4-5 days).
This doesn't mean that you wait 5 days to go to the gym, I mean that if you workout your upper body one day, let that muscle group rest for 3-4 days until you can hit it again, you can still exercises your legs the following day.
Keep this cycle going in order to build muscle fast.
Tip 6 - Have a plan: form over function If you have a routine that you follow and STICK TO, then building muscle fast will be no problem.
Don't just run into the gym and exercises sporadically, picking up ever weight in sight and thinking you're getting something done.
Have a plan.
Get 1.
5 of protein per pound of body weight.
Commitment to a gym workout plan, and some patience, and you're good.
Tip 7 - Setup your own personal routine
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