Daycare Providers
Daycare providers may be home based, commercial or a non profit making organization.
They account for over three quarters of salary jobs all over the world.
They may choose to change jobs if need be though it is a job that is widely available in the job market and has a high demand.
working hours may be different from one self employed provider to the other as one is meant to stay with the children until the parents pick them.
These centers will often have set down procedures and schedules however some parents maybe late in picking the children which may at times inconvenience the care provider.
Employed daycare providers will work for 40 to 50 hours a week.
While part time employees may work for as few hours as they wish.
Daycare providers are required to be healthy, physically first and strong as these kind of job may entail a lot of activities such as lift and carry the young children around, play games with them, feeding them among other duties which can be emotionally draining.
One is also required to be alert, develop and have patience and wear a smiley face all the time.
The care givers are also expected to listen to the needs and concerns of the young ones and be able to help them out.
There are disadvantages in this kind of a job as there is a high turn over due to low pay, frustrating hours,no benefits, physically and mentally exhausting situations.
Only those that have a great passion for young children stay on these job for long.
It is a job that has a special calling for only those that love to teach and care for the young children.
They account for over three quarters of salary jobs all over the world.
They may choose to change jobs if need be though it is a job that is widely available in the job market and has a high demand.
working hours may be different from one self employed provider to the other as one is meant to stay with the children until the parents pick them.
These centers will often have set down procedures and schedules however some parents maybe late in picking the children which may at times inconvenience the care provider.
Employed daycare providers will work for 40 to 50 hours a week.
While part time employees may work for as few hours as they wish.
Daycare providers are required to be healthy, physically first and strong as these kind of job may entail a lot of activities such as lift and carry the young children around, play games with them, feeding them among other duties which can be emotionally draining.
One is also required to be alert, develop and have patience and wear a smiley face all the time.
The care givers are also expected to listen to the needs and concerns of the young ones and be able to help them out.
There are disadvantages in this kind of a job as there is a high turn over due to low pay, frustrating hours,no benefits, physically and mentally exhausting situations.
Only those that have a great passion for young children stay on these job for long.
It is a job that has a special calling for only those that love to teach and care for the young children.