Patio Gardening
Patio gardening can be a terrific option for those who don't have all the space needed for a large backyard garden.
Patio gardening is not really limited to patios.
Really any small space, particularly one in closed, can become a great patio garden.
A small apartment balcony, a stoop, or even a small patch of grass just outside your back door can be transformed into a beautiful, lush haven.
There are vegetables and fruits that do very well on the deck or patio.
Citrus trees come in many dwarf varieties and provide color, lovely fragrance, and fresh produce in a very small space.
Lemon trees, lime trees, and even Satsumas and tangerines added beauty to your deck while keeping you supplied with great citrus fruits.
Tomatoes and peppers offers scads of great options for small spaces.
Cherry tomatoes don't take up much space and are wonderful in fresh salads.
Determinate tomato plants work well in upside down tubs and hanging pots.
Bell peppers, hot peppers, and sweet peppers all come in bushy varieties and can be planted in large pots they can be moved from place to place on your patio.
Speaking of pots, don't forget to use your pots as decorative accents.
Pots now come in all sizes and shapes and colors.
Even better, use found items like tubs or old bowls and boxes, and paint them yourself to create the look that you want on your patio.
Hit up all the local flea markets and garage sales to find a great selection of pots that you can use for your new patio garden.
Don't forget to include herbs in your porch garden.
Many herbs can be planted in and around the vegetables that you have already potted.
Keep in mind that some, like oregano and rosemary, can take over fairly quickly and so may need their own pots.
So plan your garden, watch it grow, and look forward to that evening when you stop by the store and grab a head of lettuce, go home to your patio and plot tomatoes, basil, a bell pepper, and a little rosemary from your garden.
Broil a stake, roast some potatoes with a little rosemary, and toss a fresh salad that you grew yourself.
All thanks to some fun patio gardening.
Patio gardening is not really limited to patios.
Really any small space, particularly one in closed, can become a great patio garden.
A small apartment balcony, a stoop, or even a small patch of grass just outside your back door can be transformed into a beautiful, lush haven.
There are vegetables and fruits that do very well on the deck or patio.
Citrus trees come in many dwarf varieties and provide color, lovely fragrance, and fresh produce in a very small space.
Lemon trees, lime trees, and even Satsumas and tangerines added beauty to your deck while keeping you supplied with great citrus fruits.
Tomatoes and peppers offers scads of great options for small spaces.
Cherry tomatoes don't take up much space and are wonderful in fresh salads.
Determinate tomato plants work well in upside down tubs and hanging pots.
Bell peppers, hot peppers, and sweet peppers all come in bushy varieties and can be planted in large pots they can be moved from place to place on your patio.
Speaking of pots, don't forget to use your pots as decorative accents.
Pots now come in all sizes and shapes and colors.
Even better, use found items like tubs or old bowls and boxes, and paint them yourself to create the look that you want on your patio.
Hit up all the local flea markets and garage sales to find a great selection of pots that you can use for your new patio garden.
Don't forget to include herbs in your porch garden.
Many herbs can be planted in and around the vegetables that you have already potted.
Keep in mind that some, like oregano and rosemary, can take over fairly quickly and so may need their own pots.
So plan your garden, watch it grow, and look forward to that evening when you stop by the store and grab a head of lettuce, go home to your patio and plot tomatoes, basil, a bell pepper, and a little rosemary from your garden.
Broil a stake, roast some potatoes with a little rosemary, and toss a fresh salad that you grew yourself.
All thanks to some fun patio gardening.