What Kind of Business Should You Choose?
So, let's have a quick test.
I type: Introverted business 1.
Do you know how to influence other people, helping them to make decisions? 2.
Do other people listen to your advice? 3.
Do you like to recommend things to others? 4.
Are you like a good lawyer, defending one or another product or service? 5.
Are your ideas interesting enough that people agree to pay for them? 6.
Do you like to sell? If the answer to all the questions above is "Yes", you should choose introverted business type (the description is below).
II type: Extroverted business 1.
Do you feel that you have mastered an art of some kind? 2.
Do you like to create? 3.
Do you like to organize entertainment? 4.
Can you come up with solutions for various problems? 5.
Do you have bright idea distinctiveness? 6.
Do you like to create things that no one has ever created? If the answer to all the questions above is "Yes", then you should choose extroverted business type (the description is below).
III type: Info business 1.
Do you like to organize and manage information? 2.
Do you like teaching others? 3.
Do you know how to describe complicated things in a simple manner? 4.
Are you an important factor in helping others make their lives better? 5.
Do you consider yourself capable of finding solutions to problems through brainstorming? 6.
Do you like to convey your ideas on paper? 7.
Do you like to read? If the answer to all the questions above is "Yes", you should choose info business type (the description is below).
IV type: Auto entrepreneurs 1.
Can you easily manage to save money? 2.
Do you know how to squeeze the most out of a situation? 3.
Do you like it when money grows while you are sleeping? 4.
Do you like working with numbers? 5.
Do you like to negotiate? 6.
Do you know how to choose the best of all possible options? 7.
Are you able to link together different people and their wealth? 8.
Do you like projects? 9.
Do you like to find solutions within difficult situations? 10.
Do you like having your own property? If the answer to all the questions above is "Yes", you should choose Auto entrepreneurs type (the description is below).
What follows are four types of entrepreneurs: Intra-businessmen: affects other people, argues, and leads from behind.
They are most successful at developing additional income in the following ways: a) Insurance Agents business, getting residual income from long-term security projects; b) Security systems vendors; c) Network marketing representatives; d) Corporate manager e) Equities investors Extroverted businessmen: engaged art, organized by other people's leisure and entertainment.
They are most suitable for passive income sources, such as the following: a) Songwriter, receiving income from selling CDs b) The actor who receives additional income from each CD sold; c) The artists who receive passive income for their paintings exhibitions; d) The computing and game developers, receiving payment for the programs they author; e) The celebrity, receiving income for certain advertising projects; f) The inventors under patent receiving passive income.
Info-businessmen: organizes and manages information and makes it available to others: a) Books and audio courses that the authors have created and use to generate income; b) Marketing consultants who receive a success fee depending on the sales outcome; c) The franchise developers and vendors from earning each newly purchased franchise business; d) Programmers and IT professionals receive percentages of income from established programs; e) Internet information providers receive income for advertising.
Auto entrepreneurs: analyze, see hidden benefits and invest.
The best ways in which they earn are: a) Designing business systems that do not require the developer's participation; b) Investment in businesses where the income is derived from the number of shares; c) Money lending, debt "buying" and "selling"; d) Information management, leasing their databases for income; e) The pension funds; f) Real estate; g) Stock exchanges.
Your goal is to understand the type of businesses you belong in and to select those additional sources of income that are most closely related to your talents, that best suit your values and give you the most pleasure.
So the question,"What areas are currently profitable?" is wrong.
You will bring the most profit from the activities that provide the most fun and in which you have accumulated the most experience and skills.
In each selected area 3 percent of participants receive the largest bite of cake, 17 percent can enjoy their results and 80 percent are unable to earn any serious money.
The reason - people do not choose the right game.
I hope you do not follow in their footsteps.