Death by Knowledge
"knowledge is power!" Now I'm not trying to say anything bad about knowledge but the truth of the matter is that sometimes have too much knowledge can be a very bad thing.
You may have heard the term paralysis by analysis and that's exactly what can happen when you focus more on gathering information than actually acting on that information.
When it comes to your home based business there are a huge number of people who are all about gathering information.
"Well once I understand more about the comp plan I'll really get started", "Once I do more research on the best home based business I'll get started in one", "I'm just researching things right now...
then I'll really get busy working my business".
If you're one of those people, someone who has to have all the facts before they make a move, you're going to have to change a little bit if you really want to have success in a home based business.
Like I said before, there is nothing wrong with knowledge at all, as long as you don't let it cripple you and stop you from making the most out of your home based business.
I've met a number of "information gatherers" in my time as a network marketer and very, very few of them have ever made any money in their chosen business and most of them aren't even in the business anymore.
If you are one of those people I don't want to discourage you and make you believe that you can't be successful...
because you can! I simply want to let you know that the sooner you take action the sooner you'll start making money! Action, even if it's misdirected action is always better than inaction.
Gathering knowledge is inaction.
Don't go out and spend money on a business without finding out anything about it, that would be foolish, but get the information quickly and get to work! Ready.
Fire! Not, Ready.
Aiming won't get you anywhere.
Take action and start changing your life with the help of a home based business today.