Lets Build Some Hard Core Rocken Muscle!
Many Americans are in a dietary slump. We're busy with kids, working late, eating on the road, and sometimes too exhausted to even remember that what we are doing to our bodies is unhealthy.
Our bodies are getting rounder and softer. Our weight fluctuates so much that we have wardrobes in different sizes. Don't listen to any claim that you can lose weight easily, but don't give up on the prospect of fitting nicely into your clothes again, either.
The appearance of your body, the way your clothes drape, and your ability to make it through your day with energy and stamina will improve when you gain muscle mass.
Before we talk about how to gain muscle, we should dispel the misconception that working with weights will bulk you up too much if you don't first address your need to lose weight before beginning to pump iron. It takes a lot of work with very heavy weight to achieve that bulked up look that you are trying to avoid.
You don't need any more excuses that interfere with your plan to gain muscle and lose fat, so let go of that nonsense right now and pick up those weights.
In addition to picking up the weights, get a hold of some healthy eating books and adopt some healthy eating plans. No exercise program in the world is going to work if you are indulging in a diet that does not consist of healthy foods to eat.
When building your muscle mass you need protein. Some good easy choices would be to build your diet around skinless chicken breast, tuna, and egg whites. No whole milk. Green veggies are the best.
When it comes time to pick up the weights along with that lose weight book, think strength training. There are a couple ways for you to go with this. If you are looking for quick ways to lose weight and gain muscle fast you need to balance your workouts between cardio and lifting.
Do between 10 to 16 repetitions and make the weight heavy enough that your last rep is almost too difficult to complete. If you want to gain weight along with building your muscle you should make your weight heavy enough that you can only complete 6 or eight reps. (Don't forget your spotter!) It is imperative that you allow your muscle time to rest between sets to allow your muscles time to recover and grow.
Also when working with heavy weights, it is best to rest the muscle not only between sets, but to not work the same muscle two days in a row.
Now it's time to break out of that slump, take some time for you and focus on eating right and building muscle. One last thing to remember, whether you are trying to lose weight or gain it, don't forget to burn that fat.
Our bodies are getting rounder and softer. Our weight fluctuates so much that we have wardrobes in different sizes. Don't listen to any claim that you can lose weight easily, but don't give up on the prospect of fitting nicely into your clothes again, either.
The appearance of your body, the way your clothes drape, and your ability to make it through your day with energy and stamina will improve when you gain muscle mass.
Before we talk about how to gain muscle, we should dispel the misconception that working with weights will bulk you up too much if you don't first address your need to lose weight before beginning to pump iron. It takes a lot of work with very heavy weight to achieve that bulked up look that you are trying to avoid.
You don't need any more excuses that interfere with your plan to gain muscle and lose fat, so let go of that nonsense right now and pick up those weights.
In addition to picking up the weights, get a hold of some healthy eating books and adopt some healthy eating plans. No exercise program in the world is going to work if you are indulging in a diet that does not consist of healthy foods to eat.
When building your muscle mass you need protein. Some good easy choices would be to build your diet around skinless chicken breast, tuna, and egg whites. No whole milk. Green veggies are the best.
When it comes time to pick up the weights along with that lose weight book, think strength training. There are a couple ways for you to go with this. If you are looking for quick ways to lose weight and gain muscle fast you need to balance your workouts between cardio and lifting.
Do between 10 to 16 repetitions and make the weight heavy enough that your last rep is almost too difficult to complete. If you want to gain weight along with building your muscle you should make your weight heavy enough that you can only complete 6 or eight reps. (Don't forget your spotter!) It is imperative that you allow your muscle time to rest between sets to allow your muscles time to recover and grow.
Also when working with heavy weights, it is best to rest the muscle not only between sets, but to not work the same muscle two days in a row.
Now it's time to break out of that slump, take some time for you and focus on eating right and building muscle. One last thing to remember, whether you are trying to lose weight or gain it, don't forget to burn that fat.