How to Cleanse the Intestines
- 1). Fast on raw fruit and vegetables for ten days. Make sure to eat plenty of fruit with a high content of water and green vegetables as they are high in fiber.
- 2). Drink twelve cups of water a day, each with 1 tbsp of lemon juice, 1 tbsp of honey or Grade B pure maple syrup and a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper for three to ten days. Do not eat or drink anything else for this period. This is known as the lemon-honey colon cleanse and it is a more intense fast than the raw fruit and vegetable fast mentioned above.
- 3). Add psyllium husk, slippery elm bark, bentonite clay or flax seeds to a large glass of water to form a bulking agent that will clean the intestines like brush. A type of bulking gel forms that sweeps debris from the intestines but you must drink a minimum of eight glasses of water a day for this to be effective. This can be added to your daily routine and is especially effective to begin after completing a fast.
- 4). Give yourself a coffee enema. This will assist the liver in removing waste and detoxifying the body. Follow the link in the reference section to get instructions on how to perform a coffee enema for yourself.
- 5). Take probiotics as a supplement if you can. See your doctor to make sure it is safe for you, before taking any supplement. Once permission is given by your doctor, get a probiotic from a health food outlet so you can build up intestinal flora and destroy any harmful bacteria in the intestines. Probiotics or live active cultures are also found in yogurt.