What Kids Really Mean When They Tell You They Are Bored!
Children should never be bored. Part of them dies when they are bored. Children who say they are €bored' are not children who are learning.
So why do kids say they are bored? They might feel bored €" even say that the work they have to do is boring €" here are just some of reasons children can be €bored'.
* They are not motivated to do the work
* Can't do the work they are asked to do
* The work is too easy for them
* They don't think they can do the work
* They have lost the resources they need to do their work
* They don't like the teacher
* They are hungry and/or tired
* They don't want to look like a nerd
All are good reasons for saying that work is boring. But you need to take action to get your child back to learning. Let's look at the reasons children say they are bored and what you can do about them.
* Children are not motivated by the work they are asked to do
This is a tough one. It can be hard to motivate a child who has no interest in the work he has been given. Try talking about why he has to do this, about what this work will lead to down the road, about why the teacher is asking him to do this work. If you can't come up with answers that make sense to you or him it is time to talk to your child's teacher.
* Can't do the work they are asked to do
If your child can't do the work you have two choices. Either help him learn how to do it or tell the teacher and get the teacher to re-teach the lesson. I suggest you do the latter unless you know exactly how to help your child learn how to do the work.
* They have lost the resources they need to do their work
Kids forget stuff. Set up a system for him to check that he has all the books he needs to finish his homework.
* They don't like the teacher
Find out why he doesn't like his teacher, then either tell him to get over it or go to school and do something about it.
* They are hungry and/or tired
This is easy to fix!
* They don't want to look like a nerd
This is a problem of our age €" being bright is not €cool'. It is easy to get this one wrong. You have to find a way to make good marks €cool'. You might have to go with bribery!!
Whenever your child tells you he is bored you should start to see red flags. Children don't tell teachers they are bored, not if they want an easy life, so it is up to you.
You have to discover why your child is bored and do something about it before he misses out on the learning he needs.