The Right Organic Skin Care Products Can Delay the Signs of Aging
Are all organic skin care products safe? If they are properly formulated and the raw ingredients are sourced from reliable farmers that do not use herbicides, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or other chemicals, then, "yes", they should be safe.
But, only a well informed consumer can really tell.
The term "organic" is very broad.
When it is used to describe foods and bears a USDA certification, then you can be relatively sure that there is nothing hazardous in the item.
Similar certifications are not available for skincare solutions.
In addition, there are some substances that are organics, but are NOT believed to be safe.
Oxybenzone and benzophenone for example are compounds that can be included in organic skin care products, in order to provide some sunburn protection.
Unlike other cosmetic ingredients, sunscreens can provide some health benefits, because they protect the skin's cells from harmful UV radiation that can lead to skin cancer.
But, oxybenzone and benzophenone were released onto the market without being tested for safety.
They are still being used today, even though researchers have shown that they increase free radical production, which damages DNA strands in the cells.
That makes the compounds probable human carcinogens.
Another problem is added fragrances.
Lavender oil, rosewater, linalool and other concentrated natural fragrances commonly cause redness, itching or other allergic reactions.
They may be listed as "essential oils" on the label of ingredients.
That is a confusing term for most consumers.
An essential oil is not actually oil.
It is a water-based solution.
Petals or other parts of a plant are combined with water.
The combination is heated to a high temperature in a distiller.
After distillation, the water smells like the plant and is said to convey the "essence" of the plant.
That's where they came up with the phrase "essential oil".
In some cases, the term is used to refer to essential fatty acids present in natural vegetable oils, which are similar to the oil found in human skin.
The best organic skin care products contain plant-based oils like grape seed, avocado, jojoba and Shea butter, because they contain the fatty acids that are essential to the skin's health.
Not just because they smell nice.
If you are like most of us, you would like to delay the signs of aging for as long as possible.
That can be done with the right organic skin care products.
One of the most important ingredients to look for is wakame kelp extract.
Wakame grows in underwater "jungles".
They are large leafy greens that are a favorite food in some areas of the world.
In other areas, they are considered "weeds".
The kelp is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Researchers have shown that one of the compounds present in wakame provides some protection from UV radiation.
Another has been shown to protect the levels of an important protein responsible for the skin's firmness.
So, look for organic skin care products that contain wakame and you'll like how you look in the mirror.
But, only a well informed consumer can really tell.
The term "organic" is very broad.
When it is used to describe foods and bears a USDA certification, then you can be relatively sure that there is nothing hazardous in the item.
Similar certifications are not available for skincare solutions.
In addition, there are some substances that are organics, but are NOT believed to be safe.
Oxybenzone and benzophenone for example are compounds that can be included in organic skin care products, in order to provide some sunburn protection.
Unlike other cosmetic ingredients, sunscreens can provide some health benefits, because they protect the skin's cells from harmful UV radiation that can lead to skin cancer.
But, oxybenzone and benzophenone were released onto the market without being tested for safety.
They are still being used today, even though researchers have shown that they increase free radical production, which damages DNA strands in the cells.
That makes the compounds probable human carcinogens.
Another problem is added fragrances.
Lavender oil, rosewater, linalool and other concentrated natural fragrances commonly cause redness, itching or other allergic reactions.
They may be listed as "essential oils" on the label of ingredients.
That is a confusing term for most consumers.
An essential oil is not actually oil.
It is a water-based solution.
Petals or other parts of a plant are combined with water.
The combination is heated to a high temperature in a distiller.
After distillation, the water smells like the plant and is said to convey the "essence" of the plant.
That's where they came up with the phrase "essential oil".
In some cases, the term is used to refer to essential fatty acids present in natural vegetable oils, which are similar to the oil found in human skin.
The best organic skin care products contain plant-based oils like grape seed, avocado, jojoba and Shea butter, because they contain the fatty acids that are essential to the skin's health.
Not just because they smell nice.
If you are like most of us, you would like to delay the signs of aging for as long as possible.
That can be done with the right organic skin care products.
One of the most important ingredients to look for is wakame kelp extract.
Wakame grows in underwater "jungles".
They are large leafy greens that are a favorite food in some areas of the world.
In other areas, they are considered "weeds".
The kelp is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Researchers have shown that one of the compounds present in wakame provides some protection from UV radiation.
Another has been shown to protect the levels of an important protein responsible for the skin's firmness.
So, look for organic skin care products that contain wakame and you'll like how you look in the mirror.