The Care Instructions for a Lavender Plant
- 1). Plant lavender in a well-draining area that receives at least four hours of sun a day. Dig a hole that is twice as deep and three times as wide as the plant's root ball. Place the root ball in the hole and add soil mixture that is equal parts sand, soil and compost.
- 2). Water the plant twice a week for the first two years of growth, and once week thereafter. Be careful not to over-water---a fully mature lavender plant may not need to be watered at all unless the soil goes through a dry spell. Lavender plants typically stop growing at about 5 years old.
- 3). Prune lavender each spring with clippers or garden shears. New growth should be continually cut back for the first year, allowing the plant to grow green and full by the first bloom. Some branches eventually thicken and become woody; trim these off as needed.
- 4). Fertilize only when lackluster growth indicates poor soil conditions. Use a slow-release fertilizer such as bone meal in early spring and again in early summer at the height of blossoming.
- 5). Wait until several blooms appear before harvesting lavender plants, if so desired. Using a knife or garden shears, grab the stalks in your hand and sever near the body of the plant. Allow the stalks to dry in a cool area with good air circulation.