How To Convert Parts Per Million By Volume To Parts Per Million By Weight
- 1). Measure the volume of your solution. Use standardized volume measuring devices, such as a measuring cup, to determine the volume. Write this number on the sheet of paper.
- 2). Measure the weight of the solution. Use the scale to weigh the solution. Write this measurement on the sheet of paper.
- 3). Measure the mass and volume of the solute (substance dissolved in the solution) in the solution. Separate the solvent from the solute you wish to measure. This process will differ depending on the solvent and the solute that make up the solution. Once you have the solute separated, use the volume-measuring tools to determine the volume of the chemical and the scale to determine the weight. Write these figures down.
- 4). Determine the parts-per-million by volume of your substance. This number is representative of the amount of a certain component within a given volume of solution. The PPM by volume equation = Volume of Solute / Volume of Solution * 1,000,000.
If you had 2 liters of solution and 6 milliliters of solute, the equation would be:
6 milliliters / 2 liters * 1,000,000 = 6 milliliters / 2,000 milliliters * 1,000,000 = 3,000 PPM by volume
Write this number down on the paper. - 5). Determine the PPM by weight of your substance. The PPM by weight equation = Weight of Solute / Weight of Solution * 1,000,000.
If you had 4 kilograms of solution and 3 grams of solute, the equation would be:
3 grams / 4 kilograms * 1,000,000 = 3 grams / 4,000 grams * 1,000,000 = 750 PPM by weight
Write this number down on your paper. - 6). Determine the PPM density ratio for the solution. Density is equal to weight divided by volume. Divide the PPM by weight by the PPM by volume to determine the PPM density ratio for the solution.
In the example given this would be:
750 PPM by weight / 3,000 PPM by volume = a ratio of 1/4
Write this ratio on the paper. - 7). Use the ratio to determine the PPM by weight for any given PPM by volume. The final equation for this is Ratio = PPM by weight / PPM by volume.
Using the above example's ratio of 1/4 and a PPM by volume of 600, you could convert to PPM by weight as follows:
1/4 = PPM by weight / 600
600/4 = PPM by weight
PPM by weight = 150