What is Longevity Coaching?
While the global population is aging at an unprecedented rate, Anti-Aging and Aesthetic
Medicine has been developed as a healthcare concept offering solutions to extend the healthy lifespan of individuals. The science of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine is multidisciplinary with advances in the fields of biochemistry, biology, and physiology.
Anti-Aging Industry Statistics:
Americans 50 years of age and older control 77% of the country's financial assets. Over the next 10 years, population growth will be driven by a decrease in mortality not an increase in birth rate.
Ninety million adult Americans use alternative medicine..
The consumer public has voted with their wallets overwhelmingly in favor of the anti
-aging healthcare model. The anti-aging marketplace is one that is demographics driven: people around the world are getting older.
In 2008 I published my first book on longevity titled "Physical Immortality: A History and How to Guide" which has been very successful and has sold all over the world. This book introduced the facts that there are many long lived people in the world, along with theory and practices about how you can extend your own life.
In the last five years I've met a lot more people in the worldwide "Immortalist" community, learned much more about longevity, and had more important experiences such as experiencing powerful "Unconditional Love".
This led me to formulate the 10 principles of personal longevity starting in the fall of 2012. These principles have now been introduced to the world and are achieving broad acceptance.
I strongly believe that these principles offer everyone a chance to implement a new holistic philosophy in their lives of Long Term Health, Greater Happiness, and Extended Longevity
The 10 Principles of Personal Longevity are:
- The Reality of Long Lived People
- Defining Your Purpose in Life
- Enabling the Life Urge
- Your Spiritual Health
- Having Love in Your Heart
- Energy Body Health
- The Science of Longevity
- Physical Body Health
- Using your Intuition for Safety
- Implementation of these principles
These principles can also be taught as part of one on one coaching and training classes to help people break the boundaries of their old thinking to learn a new paradigm of long term health.
Think about a new career as a longevity coach which will allow you to help people with their long term health and allow you to make a great income too. Learn more at my site at: http://personal-longevity.com/plp-special.htm