Orchids Enjoying the Florida Sunshine.
Southern Florida has a climate every gardener enveys and it's so nice to see the resident gardeners taking advantage of it. Bob Podgorski gardens in Fort Myers, the "City of Palms", along Southwest Florida's gulf coast. Before you get too jealous, Bob points out that it's "...not going to be warm this week. We are scheduled to have almost a week of below 70 degrees daytime temperature. This is the first time so many days below 70 in a row for almost 6 years (I know - someone has to live here).
Night time temps will be in low 40’s and high 30’s." We feel Bob's pain.
These flowers are an orchid hybrid - Paphiopedlum Red Baroness. Bob says, "It blooms several times a year and usually around winter. Since our weather is normally warm we get maximum flower production from our orchids." Nice.
Night time temps will be in low 40’s and high 30’s." We feel Bob's pain.
These flowers are an orchid hybrid - Paphiopedlum Red Baroness. Bob says, "It blooms several times a year and usually around winter. Since our weather is normally warm we get maximum flower production from our orchids." Nice.