Your Girlfriend is Acting Distant - Steps to Save Your Relationship
There will be warning signs if your relationship is failing, so don't let your girlfriend slowly drift away from you.
You need to take actions quickly.
If you have tried asking her what went wrong, but she says nothing, you should not just ignore the issue especially when your girlfriend is starting to show extreme signs of moodiness.
It is best that you do not push her to talk if she doesn't wish to.
Approach her slowly and take some actions to prevent quarrels so that she can get really comfortable facing you.
If your girlfriend is showing signs that she needs space, you have to give her that space even if you do not bear to do so.
By giving some space, it can help both of you to reflect what was needed and lacking in the relationship.
Think about your relationship with her and what she has been complaining about all these while.
These clues can help you to work on repairing the relationship.
Giving your girlfriend some time alone will also show her that you respect her needs.
You should stay very calm in such situation especially when your girlfriend is acting distant towards you.
Give her some time to settle down her mood and as soon as she realizes that you have been putting in effort to fix the problems in your relationship, it is very likely she will change her thinking too.
Don't give her empty promises and be sure you keep your promises especially when she wants you to improve on your behaviour or certain ways about the relationship.
Whatever situation that you are in now with your girlfriend, you should not give up and start planning to Make Her Love You Again.
There are many great ways to make your girlfriend love you again even there are signs showing that she is acting distant.