Why to Quit Smoking Today - The Benefits of Stopping to Smoke
Quitting is hard to do if you are a long time smoker; nevertheless if you put your mind and heart into really quitting, nothing is impossible.
Besides why to quit smoking today has lots of good benefits and that is what I will certainly discuss here in this article.
Most individuals have already tried to quit not just ones but several times but only a few really succeeded in their endeavor.
For those who succeed are very fortunate now as the risk of smoke related disease is almost or totally gone depending on how long they last smoke.
So no matter how low the level of nicotine are placed in your cigarettes you can still experience or become affected by one of the smoke related diseases and can still damage your health.
Therefore, there are no level or safety net if you smoke as everything is just black and white and no middle ground when it comes to the heath.
The why to quit smoking today has its benefits but only according to how long you are without any nicotine in your system.
So if you smoke at least a pack of cigarettes before or now the benefits you will likely experiences are below: • 12 Hours without Cigarettes - By this time almost all the nicotine is already or in the process of getting out of your system.
• 24 Hours without Cigarettes - Carbon monoxide that has ingrain in your blood before would ultimately dropped.
Therefore, more oxygen will be available in your bloodstream.
• 5 days without cigarettes - The by-products of nicotine are already gone and the sense of smell and taste would have returned by this time.
Your skin and color would have also improved greatly.
• Within one month without cigarettes- The blood pressure will return to normal level and the immune system will also recover.
Signs of recovery will also show in your body and feeling.
• Within two months without cigarettes - The lungs is no longer capable of producing extra phlegm otherwise not cause by smoking.
• After 1 year without cigarettes - The heart disease that is part of the smoke related risk is now half of those who still smoke.
Hence, there is now more chance for you to live longer as the risk is not what it used to be.
• After 10 years without cigarettes - The risk of having cancer is now half again compared to the possibility of people who still smoke.
This is possible of course if you are not yet diagnosed with cancer.
• After 15 years without cigarettes - The risk of stroke and heart attack is now the same as the individual who does not smoked his entire life.
Besides why to quit smoking today has lots of good benefits and that is what I will certainly discuss here in this article.
Most individuals have already tried to quit not just ones but several times but only a few really succeeded in their endeavor.
For those who succeed are very fortunate now as the risk of smoke related disease is almost or totally gone depending on how long they last smoke.
So no matter how low the level of nicotine are placed in your cigarettes you can still experience or become affected by one of the smoke related diseases and can still damage your health.
Therefore, there are no level or safety net if you smoke as everything is just black and white and no middle ground when it comes to the heath.
The why to quit smoking today has its benefits but only according to how long you are without any nicotine in your system.
So if you smoke at least a pack of cigarettes before or now the benefits you will likely experiences are below: • 12 Hours without Cigarettes - By this time almost all the nicotine is already or in the process of getting out of your system.
• 24 Hours without Cigarettes - Carbon monoxide that has ingrain in your blood before would ultimately dropped.
Therefore, more oxygen will be available in your bloodstream.
• 5 days without cigarettes - The by-products of nicotine are already gone and the sense of smell and taste would have returned by this time.
Your skin and color would have also improved greatly.
• Within one month without cigarettes- The blood pressure will return to normal level and the immune system will also recover.
Signs of recovery will also show in your body and feeling.
• Within two months without cigarettes - The lungs is no longer capable of producing extra phlegm otherwise not cause by smoking.
• After 1 year without cigarettes - The heart disease that is part of the smoke related risk is now half of those who still smoke.
Hence, there is now more chance for you to live longer as the risk is not what it used to be.
• After 10 years without cigarettes - The risk of having cancer is now half again compared to the possibility of people who still smoke.
This is possible of course if you are not yet diagnosed with cancer.
• After 15 years without cigarettes - The risk of stroke and heart attack is now the same as the individual who does not smoked his entire life.