How to Clean a Stuffed Polyester Animal
- 1). Attach the furniture/upholstery attachment to a vacuum cleaner by connecting it to the vacuum hose. Turn the vacuum on. Run the vacuum along the stuffed animal to remove accumulated dirt and dust.
- 2). Fill a bowl with a squirt of liquid dish soap or laundry detergent and warm water.
- 3). Dip a soft-bristled cleaning brush into the soapy water. Begin by scrubbing away any spots or stains. After the stain lifts, proceed to clean the rest of the fabric. Although the entire body may not appear to need to be cleaned, the clean area may stand out from the rest of the body, especially in older stuffed animals, so it's recommended you clean the entire body.
- 4). Dampen a soft cloth with cool water. Wring the cloth. Dab the polyester stuffed animal to remove soap residue.
- 5). Allow the stuffed animal to air-dry. Once dry, running the vacuum cleaner back over the stuffed animal can fluff the fur.