A Beginner"s Guide To Building Muscle The Safe and Sure Way
If try to, you will be sorely disappointed.
So it's best you start off easy when first starting your workouts.
Beginning with the basics, in order to gain muscle you are going to have to lift weights, there is no way of getting out of that.
But you need to only do what you can do when you first start.
You also need to understand some of the terms that go with muscle building.
Reps - This is when you perform a single exercise from beginning position back to the original position.
Each full cycle of the exercise is called a rep.
So if you do the exercise five times then you did five reps.
Sets - This is how many of those reps that you do without stopping for any rest.
So if you again do that one exercise five times which is five reps you are doing one set.
Resistance - This would be the amount of the weight you would be using in one particular exercise.
Rest - This would be the amount of time that you take between the sets of your exercise.
These are the terms you will hear and use the most when you are doing your muscle building exercises.
When you are working out you need to make sure that when you start out that you have just enough resistance for your body where you can feel some strain when you are doing 8-12 reps for building muscle and if you are just wanting to build strength then 1-6 reps would be enough.
Advanced people will probably do 12-25 reps per set.
In order for your muscles to grow you will need to increase the weights as soon as you feel that the weight you are currently lifting is too easy to lift.
Make sure thatyou just add slightly more each time you feel the need to increase the resistance for your muscles.
As a beginner you should not do any more than 15 reps for each set and you should probably never do more than two sets.
You need to let your muscle get use to lifting weights before you should ever consider doing more than this.
A basic workout routine should only be three days per week.
A good example would be Monday, Wednesday and Friday would be the perfect set up, but of course things don't always work perfectly.
When you design your workout in this fashion it will give your body the required 48 hours of rest that it needs for the muscles to be able to grow.
Each workout each day should last only an hour when you are first starting out.
If you want to find out ways to put your workout program together it's probably in your best interest as a beginner to either find a friend who is already lifting weights to help guide you and encourage you or better yet, if you can afford it, get yourself a personal trainer until you fill confident enough to do the routine on your own.