Game Ideas for a Toddler Birthday Party
- Keep toddlers occupied with basic games.Crying Toddler image by Mary Beth Granger from
Toddler birthday parties can be a bit overwhelming to plan, but if you choose one or two basic games, the party-goers--and their parents--will leave satisfied. Toddlers, especially younger toddlers, have a hard time understanding competition, so if you can, choose games that work for groups that work together, and reward every child for his efforts. - Toddlers are learning how to accurately throw objects, so have a beanbag toss game ready. Use beanbags in several different shapes or colors to help toddlers with their shape and color recognition. To do this, gather cotton fabric in many colors and cut out pairs of shapes. Sew them together, leaving a small opening at the top. Turn the bag right side out, and fill it with dried beans. Sew the hole closed. Have the toddlers stand a few feet away from a receptacle and see who can throw the most in. For variation, put out different receptacles for the different shapes and colors so the children have to determine where to throw their beanbags. Give beanbags as prizes.
- Have toddlers create a masterpiece for the birthday boy or girl together with a collaborative drawing project. Tape a large piece of drawing paper on a wall and have the children stand in line. The first child uses a marker, crayon or paintbrush to draw one line of the drawing and hand the drawing utensil to the next child in line. The next child should also draw one line. Go through the line two or three times, and allow the birthday boy or girl name the drawing and determine what was drawn. The young artists may need a time limit, such as 10 seconds.
- If you have a croquet set, consider setting up a game of wacky lawn croquet. Gather four our five lawn-sign stakes. On the signs, make pictures or write directions such as "wiggle," "hop" and "sing." Have toddlers stand in a line and take turns hitting the croquet mallets and balls. Encourage them to hit the ball as close as they can to one of the signs. When they get to the sign, ask them to do the activity. Toddlers keep going around the course until they've hit all of the yard signs with the ball.
Beanbag Toss
Drawing Project
Wacky Lawn Croquet