How to Fertilize a Pindo Palm
- 1). Pindo palms are slow growers. For that reason, when looking for a fertilizer, make sure you are picking one that is slow releasing. Pindos can also be hard to root, and if you do not have a well-rooted Pindo, it could die at any time. Make sure the fertilizer contains phosphorus to help with the rooting of the palm.
- 2). Once you have the fertilizer, put on your gloves to apply the fertilizer. You will want to leave a circle of fertilizer around the palm. Take care to stay two feet away from the trunk of the tree. Do not allow the fertilizer to get on the trunk. You will want to do this once during the spring and again in late summer for best results.
- 3). If you want to promote your Pindo to have fresh new growth, make sure the fertilizer you are using also has nitrogen. However, take care not to fertilize too close to cold weather. If you do so, the new growth may not have time to harden off before the first cold takes it. Pindos are very low maintenance palm trees that will thrive with very little effort, as long as you follow the rules of fertilization.
Picking the fertilizer