Skin Care Tips for Your Face
Must Reads
Don't miss these must-read skin care features. Get informed on our latest product reviews and see what product we highlight each day with our Beauty Product of the Day feature.
What is Your Skin Type?
Do you know what your skin type is? Is it oily, combination, normal or dry?Or maybe you have sensitive skin.While dermatologists don't categorize your skin, skin care companies do.In order to pick the right products, you'll need to have some sort of idea what your skin type is.
Get a Grip on Your Acne
Whether your 12 or 42, acne can cause havoc on your skin.Know that you're not alone, and that there are ways to deal with it.Of course, you should always remember that your dermatologist is there to help you, but if you're looking to treat your acne at home, here is some help.
- Top 10 Ways to Prevent Acne
- Tips for Oily Skin and Combination Skin
- T-Zone Troubles? We'll Help
- What Causes Acne? (Or What Doesn't!)
- Daily Skin Care Steps for Oily Skin
- 8 Acne Spot Treatments
- DIY - Make Your Own Pore Strips
- Skin Care Tips for Tweens - How to Wash Your Face
- Teen Skin Care
- Enlarged Pores? Reduce Their Appearance
Fun in the Sun
Let's be honest; most of us love the look of a nice tan. But we also know that we need to be safe in the sun, because the sun is responsible for wrinkles, sun spots and cancer.Find some great information on the sun and how to stay safe while looking fabulous.
Skin Care Q&A's
I'm always available to answer skin care questions.If you don't see yours here, email me at
- How Often Should I Exfoliate and Use a Mask?
- Do I Really Need a Moisturizer?
- Is There a Concealer With SPF For My Melasma?
- What is an Illuminating Facial Moisturizer?
- Facial Toner - Is it Necessary?
- What Are Antioxidants?
- Oily Eyelids? Avoid Eyeshadow Crease
- Is My Moisturizer's SPF Enough?
- What Are Parabens?
- Skin Care Product Recommendations for a 20 Year Old
What type of moisturizer do you need? Do you need a serum and a moisturizer? What about eye creams?
Extra Skin Care Steps
You may or may not need to add extra skin care steps into your skin care regimen.Here is some info on each step and why you may want to add it to your skin care routine.
Skin Care for Men
Guys, ditch the Dial and start taking proper care of your skin.
Interviews with the Experts
Read my interviews with top skin care experts and answer some of your burning skin care questions.
- 5 Minutes with Michelle Madhok:
- Green Shopping TipsSummer Rayne Oakes: Model-Activist, Discovery Correspondent
- Green Beauty Tips from Sara Snow - Discovery Health
- Green Living Tips - Julie Gabriel: The Green Beauty Guide
- Anti-Aging Tips - Celeste Hilling: Skin Authority
- Bridal Beauty Tips - Robert Jones: Makeup Artist and Author -
- Teen Acne Tips - Shannon Monihan - ANSR: Acne Care -
- Anti-Aging Tips - Dr. Zein Obagi: Creator of ZO Skin Heath and Obagi NuDerm -
- Rosacea and Sensitive Skin Tips - Dr. Thornfeldt: Dermatologist
- Hair Threading - Shobha Tummala: Shobha