How Do I Know If He Wants Me Back? What Are the Unmistakable Signs He Wants to Get Back Together?
How then will you be able to know if he is still interested and will want to get you back? There is no way you can know how to go about this kind of thing if you don't know how to read between the lines.
Let us proceed together through the information below.
If your ex still wants you back, there is a great possibility that he will still keep your number.
He has the intention to contact you at a later date.
If you suddenly see his call sometimes after you have separated, this is a strong indication that he is still interested in you.
Though, he may tell you that he was just interested in saying hello.
Don't believe him; he is interested only in hearing your irresistible voice again.
If he asks that the two of you should remain friends, it is a sign that he wants to always remain close to you.
He doesn't want to let you out of his sight and he still wants to, at least have your friendship, if he can't have you totally yet.
Before you know what is happening he may come out and tell you his mind about the two of you reuniting again.
You can know if he is still hoping to come back for you, if he is still single sometimes after the break up.
It is a sign that he had not been able to find a replacement for you and he is fully interested in the possibility of the two of you coming back together again.
Does he still remember dates that are special to you; like your birthday, if this is the case, it means he can't get over you and he is fully interested in the possibility of the two of you coming back together.
He is using this to tell you that he has the thought of you on top of his mind.
The very next thing that can happen is for him to propose to you again.
You better brace yourself up for unavoidable.