Win a Girl Back - The Key to Getting Your Girl Back No Matter How Desperate the Situation Is
You may want to cry, plead with her, beg her, apologize for anything and everything, tell her you'll be different from now on, and so forth.
Don't let yourself fall into depression and despair.
The next few days or weeks are crucial so you need to act with your head and, truly, let your heart fall asleep for a while.
Do not beg, plead or cry.
Apologize with class if she expects an apology, after which you should tell her that you respect your decision.
Then, when she's gone, do not contact her for a while (depending on your age and situation, the no-contact period can be from 2 weeks to 3 months).
This is when you have to be strong.
The no-contact period is essential because she needs time to process (and get rid of) the negativity she feels about you and remember (as she will) the positive sides of you.
This is a psychological process which happens to everybody and you need to work your strategy with that time-frame.
She will probably, at some point, initiate contact or a meeting.
If not, you can do so after a few weeks have passed.
When you meet, you need to be at your very best, the way you used to be or even better.
Happy, serene, kind, caring; you need to listen to her no matter what she's saying to you; you need to show her that you understand her and listen to her without criticism.
It's a very important step.
If she feels she can open up to you in a comfortable way, she'll seek your presence more and more, until her initial feelings for you will resurface.
Even if she tells you she's seeing someone else, don't be jealous but act as her best friend would act.
Remember to use your head and be always cool about everything.
Remember that you are applying a winning strategy to win her back.